1.You're thinking in Earth terms, though. Generals, kings, presidents (whatever) are not on the front lines. But perhaps they do things differently on Nirn. I'm almost certain about reading some of Tamriel's books where they mention the leaders joining in. SubRosa? Help?
...And it's also possible that in the entire history of battles on Earth, occasionally there were leaders who joined in the battle for whatever reason. I'm not an expert historian. SubRosa? Where are you on this one?

2. Yea, I guess. I mean, but it seems any way this gets explained could equally wind up getting criticized. The FG hardly EVER do anything to help, ever, though. I would personally love to see them actually participating more often outside their stupid guilds.
3. I see.. ....this stuff never bothered me personally, but I could see how it could be an issue if you're actually looking way deep in the game. I'm satisfied by my thoughts on this one, though.
4.Yea, you got a point. There's something about watching this huge siege engine crawl slowly towards the town from a distance, though, that I can imagine would really creep its residents out!

Think of it this way: they decided to put the siege engine further away for
5. The player has not dealt officially with the siege engine and the tower area, though. Mehrunes is now sitting back slyly going "okay...you think you're bad, look at THIS".
No, he's still satisfied he's made the right decisions, here, IMO. Like Custer's Last Stand, where it looks as if the cowboys are gonna slaughter their opponents, Mehrunes made a bad decision.

1. I can understand rulers taking part in the battle, and even leading the charge, but usually they're trained in the arts of war. Martin...not so much. He may have a decent suit of armor, but he needs a better weapon than a frosty dagger. Being a priest of Akatosh, it is possible that he actually has some decent skills with a blade.
2. Yeah, the FG really needs to step up a bit. Maglir really gives them a bad name.
3. It bothers me a bit, but I have a tendency to (over)think long and hard on matters that few people bother with. TBH, I doubt the Devs would have had time to deal with any of these points if they'd thought of them.
4. Hmm...effect...yes. Yes! Seeing that huge monstrosity lumber inevitably towards the city would be terrifying and demoralizing. That, coupled with the knowledge of how fast Kvatch fell, would make Dagon's victory there extremely easy. Good thinking!

5. Another good point: The arrogance of power.
Yeah you make good points specially Martin rushing in with just a crappy dagger!
But you can't over anolyse it, if you did this with other games I'm sure you'd find just as many plot holes. And I think most of your points could be solved if the game had a better engine and allowed more enemies in one area. My game slowed down a bit during the battle on xbox.
That's one of my (many) flaws: I tend to over-anolyze quite a few things.
1. Martin and Countess Carvain both point out that it's all or nothing from here on. If Martin doesn't take the risk in person, he'll end up just as dead. If I were him, I'd rather take part in my own last stand, especially if I think it improves our chance of winning.
2. Fighters Guild members are loners, don't do so well as a group or they'd be in the Legion. Mages aren't all batllemages, or they'd be in the Legion. All the allies you gather are trained to fight together with others.
3. The other three ingredients for the gate to Camoran's Paradise are at Cloud Ruler Temple. Gaining the fourth, only to lose the first three, would be too stupid, so the Blades are left to guard those.
4. The Mythic Dawn opened the first gate right outside the city, and it got closed again. So their second attempt was further away, but with a direct road into town.
5. The Daedra pretty much all went after Martin, which is why they weren't inside the Gate when you went in. After all, when he dies, the game ends. If they used defensive tactics instead, then most if not all of the army you gathered would be entering the gate with you. The defense should have been adequate against a solo attempt, especially with the time constraint.
1. "All or nothing" doesn't have to mean "rush to attack the hoards of Oblivion while wielding a small, weak dagger that can give you a chill".

2. So send the FG members into the lesser gates as they open (either alone or in pairs) to fight a delaying action against the daedra. When they start getting pressed hard, have them pull out and let the soldiers deal with the remaining daedra as they exit the gate. When that's done, send the FG members back in. Rinse, lather, repeat.
As for the mages, they don't have to
fight in order to
help in the battle: J'Skar could cast chameleon spells on the defenders (and FG gate fighters) while Volanaro gives them detect life spells so they can still see each other. Jeanne Frasoric could summon some allies to help, while Selena Orania passes out healing potions to injured fighters and poisons for them to put on their weapons. No combat necessary, just assistance that could greatly tip the scales in favor of the defenders.
3. Very good point. I surrender on that one.
4. Another good point. Add to that the reasons Rene Gade provided and you have a very solid reason for that location. Again, I concede defeat here.
5. Yet another argument for having him direct the battle from the rear, as opposed to attacking the hoards of Oblivion while wielding a small, weak dagger that can give you a chill. And while the siege crawler doesn't need defending, the sigil tower certainly does. If one person can get past the crawler, climb to the top of the tower, take the
blarny stone and pulverize the crawler by collapsing the gate, somethin' ain't right. The guy in charge is
way too overconfident. But, that's good news for the defenders!