The red exclamations indicate missing textures. You removed the mods? Did you disable archive invalidated? Completely removing mods isnt always as simple as unchecking the mod.
I would wipe the new vegas install and start over.
Delete the local content in steam. Then manually delete the new vegas folder. -> typical install location C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas
That previous step is important since steam usually doesnt remove the new vegas directory and that can leave the mods still installed. You want a clean install.
Also remove the save game directory: C:\Users\
\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV Backup your saves folder first.
Reinstall the game from steam. Let it install directX and runtimes. Start the launcher and let the game detect video settings.
DO NOT install any mods at this point. Start the game and test it. See if the exclamations are gone and the game is stable.