I did this fight with a mage and a warrior DW. I had no problem on either...
Spoiler The images have a blue glow that are not him. Ignore the images and just attack the one that does not have a enchanted blue glow. Dunno how you missed that. Also my mage had no problem at all, just nuke him as soon as he pops up. He gets stunned, if you got the perk and then do it again. My warrior just rolled through this no problem also, just run up the platform and smack the one that isn't glowing blue.Edit: Note once you hit him the images disapear, so no need to even worry about them. I don't even think they do any damage.
This is false. I've just spent the last hour on the fight and even the boss
I'm also not sure why you are bothering to mention Warriors. Most people who have played both styles already know how much easier they are with practically everything in the game. I never had problems with anything other than the random one-hit kill shock Mages on anything with my Warrior even on Master. And I wasn't using Smithing + Enchanting + Alchemy gear either. I also have no idea what difficulty you are playing on, but even the clones do a massive amount of damage to my character, so I can't simply ignore them.
I was having some trouble with the Companions quest at Dustman's Cairn. Well, mainly at the final stretch when there are like five higher-leveled Silver Hand enemies in the same room.
That is the exact point where I had to pickup Lydia. Or I think that's the place anyway. It was a fort and the room had a Mage and an archer sitting at a table and then another archer or two off to the side, and if you stay too long, a two-handed Orc Sword Warrior comes to help out.
Yeah it svcks. Some advice.
1. Learn to dodge arrows
2. Run around in circles for five minutes while your mana recharges
3. Abuse the quicksave every time you do damage or avoid damage
Hah, I already know about these tactics. I don't save after each time I do damage though. I can't get stuck in a situation where I unintentionally screw myself over. I was one of the first people to start talking about how awful Destruction is in this game, even on Adept level. I scrapped my level 30 on the second day because I was hitting a brick wall again and again and it was simply not worth the effort. Every other character has been "ezmode" in comparison and I play on Expert or Master.
Destruction is amazing at your level. It's 50+ where it's absolutely worthless.
Yes, it's "amazing" when you're fighting trash enemies that die to 1-2 melee swings. It's not so "amazing" in any fight with enemies equal or higher to your level. You run completely out of mana and cannot do anything. Once you reach a high level Conjuration skill, all of your problems vanish because you simply summon a Dremora to do everything for you. Sorry, 300 mana is not "amazing" for an extended fight when you actually have to cast more than single shots (since Dual Casting is out of the question). Like I said, I'm not playing on Adept.
You didn't prove anything other than that you were able to "mostly breeze through it" with Lydia on Expert.
I didn't even pick up a follower until halfway through level 17. She was useful for helping me to clear out one room, and she almost died twice in the process. Now imagine actually doing that part without her as Destruction. Yeah, not likely at level 17. Yet you can do it with a Warrior or stealth archer type even on Master.