BTW: I am glad that I had the chance to play Crysis 2 at a friend because after I played the game, I wouldn't wast my money for this...
So let's begin.
positive: Crysis 2 is an interesting action game (without concerning the story) with pretty smart enemies.
negative: I think the biggest problem for me with the game is the story transition from Crysis 1 to Crysis 2.
At the end of Crysis 1 the situation is FUBAR! The USA started a war against North Korea, an entire US fleet was wiped out, probably thousands of marines were killed and the Ceph were leaving the Lingshan Islands into every direction. The only hope seemed to be Nomad, Psycho, Helena Rosenthal and maybe Prophet which were heading for the island to stop the Ceph from conquering the world.
At the begining of Crysis 2 it seems as nothing happened at all.
"Oh yes there was something in the pacific 3 years ago but nobody minds anymore. It wasn't anything important. But now we got this strange epidemic in NYC out of nowhere!"
I mean did the writers of this story even know that there was a Crysis 1? I wouldn't be surprised if chimps wrote this story!
It's not only the fact that they didn't mind the end of Crysis 1... The Ceph in Crysis 1 were perfect killing machines. If they didn't freeze you, they ripped you into peaces! Even a man in a nanosuit was barely able to fight the bigger ones. And now in NYC they are just some guck in exoskeletons which dies after a few hits with an assault rifle? This doesn't make any sence!
Okay, okay maybe there are different kinds of Ceph. Some are stronger and some are weaker, but why didn't slaughter the Ceph the human race already? In 2020 even a nuke couldn't stop them!
And then the bullocks about the origin of the Ceph!
"They came probably from an ocean" Yeah of course! An ocean with -200°C and zero G or why needed the Ceph in Crysis 1 such an enviroment?
The developer of the nanosuit made it with alien technology and lived in a stasis pod for 50 years... come on be honest... you smoked a friggin lot of w**d when you wrote this, right?
And the nanosuit isn't just a suit, but a living symbiont and nobody in the US military which were involved in the project ever noticed it eventhough there were at least 3 spec ops teams with 15 nanosuit users and allthough the suit is a symbiont which is cross-linked with you body and organs it doesn't harm you if you take it off (see Prophet)...
btw: Are the korean suites symbionts as well?
The last thing about the story that I didn't like: Why wanted the US military to nuke the central Ceph structure at the end of Crysis 2? In Crysis 1 the nuke at the end ultimately gave the Ceph the power to start their attack on earth! Why do the expect now that a nuke would help???
Apart the story there are some other things I want to mention:
Prophet still worn the inner nanosuit when he comitted suicide. How was he able to connect Alcatraz (worst name ever) to the suite without the inner suit?
There were a Raptor Team, a Hawk Team and an Eagle Team in Crysis 1. Probably there are even more nanosuit spec ops in the US military... allthough most of them probably died in the conflict on the Lingshan Islands, some probably survived (as I know the remains of the Eagle Team managed to escape the island during Warhead).
So why weren't any nanosuit spec ops send to NYC when the situation escalated??? Even the nanosuit-1 can fight like 100 marines.
The characters in Crysis 2 are terrible. "I am the big colonel. My charakter doesn't know any emotions but hate and wrath and I don't think ever. I just act as a supercool soldier" Allmost all characters can be described pretty similar to this.
In Crysis 1 there were at least Psycho, Nomad and even Prophet that had some interesting characeristics (I loved Psycho and his comments).
And this Alcatraz guy... he is a joke... the "a*s in the suit" as he is called in the german version. Just a puppet without brain.
At last I want to mention the multiplayer. In Crysis 1 we had a great multiplayer! Vehicles, large maps, portable nuke launchers... everthing a player could want!
And now in Crysis 2... a small arena with a dozen people which are running around like chickens. It feels like Call of Duty with nanosuits and less players.
Of course CoD is "successful", but stealing game concepts doesn't bring you a good game!
I don't know if the game would have been better if it was PC only (if Crysis 1 was successful as PC only, then also Crysis 2 would have been possible as PC only but of course you greedy guys would have earned a bit less money... so you made this game as a console game which was badly ported on PC) but I think some things would have been better. We would probably have a real story connection between 1 & 2 and still have the much better radial suit menu.
Altogether I think Crysis 2 isn't worth the money for a fan of Crysis 1. It is a nice action game, but nothing more. For me it will never be a real Crysis game and if any game in the future will base on the story of Crysis 2 I will ignore it as well. I will stick to Crysis and Crysis Warhead which are at least 10 times better than Crysis 2.
If Crytek ever makes a Crysis 3 I want to recomend them 2 things:
1. Fire the writers of the Crysis 2 story and find some real authors!
2. Before you start with anything please play Crysis and Crysis Warhead again and stick to the feeling of these games!
That's all from me... oh and btw: The german synchronization is gross! -.-