Just finished my first playthrough.

Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:00 am

Ah! Vegas. My 60 hours journey is now over. I don't know, I feel a little bit sad. Other playthroughs will never feel the same way. This game is truly awesome. In my humble opinion, it is even better than Fallout 3.
Both of these games have something unique and engaging. I never felt the same way about The Elder Scrolls (maybe Skyrim will change that). So, tomorrow, I'll start another game of F3 and take my time with it. After that, I should
be ready to go into the Mojave again. I sure hope they keep the same "formula" if they decide to do Fallout 4. Great single player campaign with NO multiplayer.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:02 pm

I sure hope they keep the same "formula" if they decide to do Fallout 4. Great single player campaign with NO multiplayer.

Multiplayer Fallout? I can't even imagine what a total abortion that kind of a game would be. Not much fear of that happening, methinks.
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:51 am

Ah! Vegas. My 60 hours journey is now over. I don't know, I feel a little bit sad. Other playthroughs will never feel the same way. This game is truly awesome. In my humble opinion, it is even better than Fallout 3.
Both of these games have something unique and engaging. I never felt the same way about The Elder Scrolls (maybe Skyrim will change that). So, tomorrow, I'll start another game of F3 and take my time with it. After that, I should
be ready to go into the Mojave again. I sure hope they keep the same "formula" if they decide to do Fallout 4. Great single player campaign with NO multiplayer.

At 60 hours you missed a TON of things....hell I was around 60 hours before I got to Vegas on my first play through.

Trust me your other plays will be just as good if not better, slow down explore everything, make different decisions along the way and get the DLC's.

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Crystal Clarke
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