....It would be nice to know what sort of character you have used so far. You can have even more fun playing it with a different type of character....
I started out not knowing what to expect or what I was doing, so after reaching level 8 or so I scrapped that character and started over.
I have been playing as a Male Breton, The Lady Birthsign, Spellsword Class, and am now level 14. I have focused mostly on magicka, saving the swords and armor for when I play through with another character to do the Fighters guild among others. I have focused largely on Destruction and Illusion crafts, and some alteration (I am still learning so much!

Though I just finished the main quest I am going through the Mages Guild and any other quests. I am also looking for the Nirnroots as you suggested, I found the first 10, and am on the second 14, cant seem to find any more at this time. I am not actively looking, just stopping by any water spots on my route.
I plan to play through again for the fighters guild quest with a armor/blade based character. And yet another character focused on stealth to do the thieves and dark brotherhood quests.

What a wonderful game!

I definitely am getting Shivering Isles once I finish the main game guilds.
Thanks for mentioning Knights of the Nine as well, I was wondering if I should get that too.
Oh and I LOVE this emoticon LOL

Cheers all!!!