The game has a TON of minor annoying bugs as well and the AI is about as smart as a girl scout with a Sniper rifle.
Whats with the GLOWWWWING lights everywhere too? The night levels seems to ahve every light shine a glare that was totally unrealistic and annoying. It seems like they simulated lighting for the older consoles and ported it on the PC.
Where the heck are all the Graphics options? Come on Crytek not even Antialiasing or Motion blur? That was half the fun of crysis, tweaking it to your personal preference....bad Crytek!
My Judgment: NOT worth 60 bucks for a technical showcase, but if they release a patch fixing those bugs, the AI, and upgrade it to real DX11 not just simulated crap then i'll be a happy camper in that aspect...somehow i doubt they will do that.
This is definitely more geared towards consoles unfortuantely, and I somehow doubt that Crytek really did focus on making this an awesome PC game first, then work on the console version.
last note... Gameplay and the story was rather fantastic. Kudos to that!