» Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:08 am
SP is a dissapointment? Troll alert. AHA! I see codename is here to assist in the troll thread. Interesting XD
Here's the thing, the cloak Ceph were like "guardian" Cephs. When you take that idea into account, it's cool that they are at the end of the game and it makes the Ceph seem much more alien and foreign-like than they already are. But ****, you guys keep crying about "AWW ERR HER HER NO BOSS AT THE END!! WAHA WAH!!! DX"!!
Get the **** over it. Last I checked, games like Battlefield don't have a boss at the end. Crysis 2 was excellent how it is, you people are just retarded when you say that it NEEDS a final boss. What will NEED a final boss is Crysis 3 because that's the last game in the trilogy.
You sir must be 12.. This game is failure after failure and the game overall As short and tiny as each crappy physics less map is.. Go ahead rave for your console graphics . Lol Dx 11 wont help this game,, even the mod community wont be able to salvage much from Cryturd 3 engine.
I find no similarity at all in design to the original aliens , other than some squid like hair . never did see a "boss" tho. Fail, Rail , crap, trap , LOL GG crytek . another one bites the dust for pc developers.