Wow. A bunch of barely educated people complaining about Richard Morgan's job, without even really knowing what part he had in the story development or understanding the plot in full in either of the games.
There was never any hint of Hargreave in the first game. Nothing about symbiosis. Nothing notable about the nanosuit program and definitely nothing about the nanosuit being any part of killing the aliens (in the sense that it is in Crysis 2). The first game's story wasn't anything special. Everything (which was actually very little) was spoon fed right into your mouth and the last 3rd of the game was a completely useless waste of resources that they should have spent focusing on the rest of the game.
So here is an actual, decent, engaging story for the game. Now it's bad, right? I mean, now it's straight out of a B rated movie, amirite? Surely. Now the game requires you to use your brain to understand the story in full. You aren't willing or you aren't capable of doing that, so that angers you. It confuses you.
The problem isn't the plot of this game, it's you. You are unable to understand it properly. Either because you're not intelligent enough, or you're not willing to understand it. Either way, you have absolutely no right to complain about Richard Morgan's job on the storyline. As far as story itself is concerned, this is most definitely one of the finest first person shooter games out there. Albeit, some parts of the story are told inconveniently. And if that's your complaint, you are wasting too much time worrying about details.
Go play the game again. Think about everything you hear and see. No, really, think about it. From what I can make out of your gibberish, you sure as hell don't understand the story of this game. And if EVEN THEN you feel like blowing smoke out of your arse, at least provide decent arguments as to why you think Richard Morgan didn't do a good enough job.
Wow, what a douche.
If you think Crysis2 is a good story, you need to read more. If you think this derivative, pulp sci-fi dreck is anything
but a B movie script, then you have an adolescent's sensibility of story-telling. Normally I wouldn't criticize anybody for liking what I consider "bad writing" because I'm an English teacher and a writing tutor and that's just bad form for someone in my profession, but when you go all bombastic on a thread that's mostly thoughtful criticism, calling us unintelligent and saying that we have no right to criticize the plot (by far the stupidest part of your rant), then I feel justified in parting the curtain for you, my friend. You have sh!tty taste.
Richard Morgan MAY be a decent writer, but it certainly doesn't show in Crysis2.
This. Morgan's "Altered Carbon" was a decent read, better than Crysis 2, but nowhere near the writing quality of Hugo-award winning novels like Hyperion (classic read for ANY sci-fi fan reader). Or even Ender's Game. Or The Giver. Morgan is, like you said, a decent writer, but not only does it not show in Crysis 2, CryTek could've hired a better writer to do the story.
Also, I like your writing style, flyingsaucerz