Just finished C1, what was Mr Morgan thinking? [SPOILERS]

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:07 am

... And I miss the storytelling atmosphere of that game. It felt like a STORY, not a movie.

I get how Richard Morgan was trying to bridge the gap between Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 in the best manner possible, but I think he did a flaky job in explaining the science behind the Nanosuit. In doing so, he ended up not writing a story, but a shoddy B-rated screenplay with a bunch of unnecessary explosions and cutscenes without any sense of story-cohesiveness.

Crysis 2 had a GREAT conspiracy plot-twist (Jacob Hargreave with a demented Hero Complex who tricks Prophet and by proxy Raptor Team into wearing a Nanosuit that would destroy all but one user) but the problem of the story is that it suffers from HERO syndrome, (in film theory, this is when you destroy ALL useful side and even main characters in a prequel in favor of focusing exclusively on the new main protaganist in the sequel. Blade Trinity did this, and tv show 24 did this in season 8 compared to earlier seasons). Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is also a victim of this. And Assassin's Creed 2.


The Nanosuit was hinted at being the catalyst in stopping the alien invasion in Crysis 1. In the final level, a lot of information is revealed, including, but not limited to:

* The Nanosuit can transmit wireless signals that disable alien biological wavelengths so they have lowered defenses, easier to take out then.
* Conflict in Crysis 2: You spend 70% of the game trying to "develop a vaccine" against the "nano spore", when Helena already did this in Crysis 1?!
* Shoddy explanation for conflict in Crysis 2: Wellllllllll you could always argue that since Nomad and Psycho supposedly "died" (as evidenced by cutscenes in Crysis 2 "YOU LIED TO US!") that the vaccine must've died along with Nomad and Psycho. EXCEPT this would mean that right after Nomad, Psycho, and Helena flew off to the Lingshan Island again after the last cutscene in Crysis 1, that they all died before reaching Prophet. Therefore, this explanation is WAY TOO SHODDY to be legitimate. Oh wait, Richard Morgan wrote this...

* In Crysis 1, during the cutscene between Nomad, Helena, and the Admiral, Helena clearly states "The aliens are sending out a broadcast" and the Admiral even responds "to galaxy M33 which is millions of lightyears away". Helena goes "They're calling for help".
* Conflict in Crysis 2: Prophet says in the last cutscene, "See? The Ceph have been here longer than we have." COMPLETELY ignoring the distress call the aliens made in Crysis 1 to galaxy M33.
* Shoddy explanation for conflict in Crysis 2: Wellllllllll you could always argue that Prophet just didn't SAY that the aliens were broadcasting their signal, maybe the aliens still transmitted signals but just didn't tell the player at all. EXCEPT this would mean a **** story flaw that would be neutered out in Crysis 3 with a deus-ex style explanation "Oh yeah about that... Yeah, there are more aliens in Crysis 3 now because of that signal broadcast" It would destroy story flow.

* In Crysis 1, you could jump from a super high altitude and land on the ground in Armor Mode without losing all your energy, let alone die.
* Conflict in Crysis 2: Nanosuit 2 got an "upgrade" but for some reason can barely jump down 30m without having to SLAM your left hand into the ground and have red veins squirm all around your screen indicating you've been hurt?
* Shoddy explanation for conflict in Crysis 2: Nanosuit 2 got an upgrade but it sacrificed some old concepts in favor of new ones. Well... This wouldn't make sense, considering Nanosuit 2 has a better armor mode (can withstand FAR more shots) than armor mode in Crysis 1. So why does energy get depleted and the user die if they jump from say, 60m when in Crysis 1 you could fall from 120m without even half your energy deplete?

I have some other discrepancies that I noticed, but I have to get started on my Human sixuality homework. I'll be spending the next three hours either looking at porm, pictures of six in my textbook, or making love with the lady friend. Oh wait, I have 8 essays to write? College svcks.

Also, I'm kinda drunk right now. So, sorry if the thread didn't come out coherent.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:20 am

Ive noticed all of these things!!!! Also how the Alien design in the first crysis is completely different then that in Crysis 2. There is no coherent explanation for this considering at the end of the first Crysis there was a full scale invasion about to happen yet they werent seen anywhere in Crysis 2s single player!
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:15 am

The phrase "shoddy explanation" pretty much sums up Crysis2's plot in a nutshell. There are some downright outrageous plot-holes, the most grating of which to me, personally, is that NOMAD AND PSYCHO ARE SUDDENLY DEAD!? What the f*ck?! Crytek - you don't f*cking murder your protagonist with no goddamn explanation. Call C2 a series reboot, whatever; that's no excuse to just arbitrarily kill Nomad and Psycho. It would have made a hell of a lot more sense to play as either one of them (or Prophet himself, for that matter) than this nameless, faceless grunt who's actually a sort-of living corpse during the entire game, anyway? Something like that? I know, you thought you had to do it for your precious console market, who have no idea who Nomad and Psycho are. You didn't, though. You really didn't.

Until someone can prove me wrong, I'm going to say that Crytek is at fault for this and not the writer they hired. They no doubt outlined a very specific progression for the "reboot" of their franchise, and Mr. Morgan probably did the best he could with it. OP referenced the Hargreave angle, which I agree is a neat little twist, but by the time Jacob Hargreave reveals himself to be a *SPOILER* cryogenically frozen vegetable */SPOILER* the plot is nigh incoherent and so riddle with SHODDY EXPLANATIONS that I was too pissed off to appreciate it.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:31 am


About Hargreave being in that cryo thingy; it's a complete rip off from Fallout New Vegas' Mr. House...
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:47 pm


About Hargreave being in that cryo thingy; it's a complete rip off from Fallout New Vegas' Mr. House...

Yeah,noticed that too!!! Richard Morgan totally cheaped out on the plot. Cevat Yerli should've paid Morgan more to make a better story.

... Or hire a different writer.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:02 am

what is the connection between crysis 1 with crysis 2????? what happened to nomad psycho,blue aliens the island???? for this question i think that is better read CRYSIS LEGION XD
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Alba Casas
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:54 am

well there are lots of things missing and lots of plot holes but "those holes" might be filled up with C2 expansion explaining what exacly happened to nomad and psycho... why did they die, what happened to the island and huge space ship, how did prophet survive and those 2 died... And dont forget that this is few years into the future and maybe those aliens answered the distress call and came to help? well just have to wait and see when those holes get filled with missing story lines... im sure that well get interesting story explaining most of these gaps just like they made crysis warhead... they explained what was up with psycho etc... I sure cant wait to see what happened on that island. If u look at it like a serie the very end of a season they put a cliff hanger and the first or second episode in next season most of the times doesnt continue the story plot from last episode... they make new plot and then finish up the cliff hanger we all want to see. I just gotta say one thing, this SP sure rocks! :)
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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:02 am

What happened to Nomad and Psycho? Helena Rosenthal? For now I just kinda assume they all died on the island, and Prophet was the only one who made it out. Doesn't explain how his nanosuit suddenly upgrade itself to 2.0, though.

Regardless, I want to know what happened to them. Maybe they'll do a DLC? Fingers crossed, patiently.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:46 am

The fact that there were no blue aliens and not even flying ones is a big enough plot hole.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:42 am

Didn't Morgan get a book out to explain everything that he kinda forgot about, like blue to red Ceph, why Alcatraz is super mute boy and the epilogue.
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adam holden
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:12 am

Didn't Morgan get a book out to explain everything that he kinda forgot about, like blue to red Ceph, why Alcatraz is super mute boy and the epilogue.

As has been stated before, if you have to write a frickin' book full of supplemental material to explain why your story-line makes no sense, you've already failed.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:32 am

Didn't Morgan get a book out to explain everything that he kinda forgot about, like blue to red Ceph, why Alcatraz is super mute boy and the epilogue.

As has been stated before, if you have to write a frickin' book full of supplemental material to explain why your story-line makes no sense, you've already failed.

Agreed. Efficient storytelling is what they teach you in screenwriting, drama, and film classes. Even video game design classes will cover a section on storytelling and how efficient storytelling is the only way to go. If you have to release supplementary material to explain a plot caveat, then your plot communicative skill is pretty poor.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:43 am

It seems pretty clear to me that the devs couldn't go "open world" like it was on the C1 island because of the consoles hardware limits. They must have said: "Hey, why not take the sequel to New York? Everything cool happens in NYC anyway, plus it's a perfect environment to make corridor gameplay style, but relatively large ones tho to give an impression of freedom."

With that in mind, the writer had to close the gap one way or another. The change of scenery is so dramatic and irrelevant when you look at the original game that it seems nearly impossible to not leave huge story holes. But all in all, the fault shouldn't be put on the writer shoulders because i'm pretty sure it wasn't his choice to move to NYC.

In fact, there's only one true culprit, and it's still the same again and again.

Blame the bloody consoles.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:42 am

Helena made a vaccine to Ceph spore? No she didn't. She figured out how to HURT them in one way by transmitting a signal through the aliens.

I think Crysis 2's story is much better than Crysis 1. Crysis 1, look....idk about you, but it DID NOT feel like a story or a movie. Crytek's aim with Crysis 1 was to get the cinematic movie feel. Having a blank protagonist with no emotion and being so submissive (too submissive) in taking orders just made things unsatisfactory. Jester and other Raptor team members were very boring and the Koreans, although had significance, became insignificant way too quickly (except for warhead, but that's because it's a very small segment of Crysis 1 story from Psycho's perspective).

Crysis 2 FEELS like a movie. THIS was Cevat Yerli's aim with the first game and I like, as you said, the Hargreave conspiracy twist, the evolution of the aliens to battle humans, and having to use the suit to become the ultimate weapon. Yes, Nomad was bland and it sounds hypocritical when I say that because Alcatraz does not say ANYTHING. But the thing is, Nomad was bland because he was a dull character. Alcatraz is literally a CORPSE WALKING, so that's why he doesn't talk, AND he's not the main focus. The nanosuit is. No one cares about Alcatraz, it's all about the suit. The suit and Prophet's conscious linked through symbiosis in it (which ALSO interested me). Random explosions? Not at all! It's merely part of the story, seriously. Crysis 2 has one BIG story element, and that's the destruction of New York due to an alien invasion. I DOUBT an alien invasion is going to be a walk in the park and just some wierd creatures shooting here or there. No, an alien invasion is DESTRUCTION and Crysis 2 depicts that VERY well. When you save New York at the end of the game, I personally, got a sense of immense satisfaction.

Although I am bothered that Nomad and Psycho and Helena even (but really, she's more of a side-character with an important role, who cares about her? She holds Rosenthal's research but his research is no longer significant because Prophet already knows everything, if not more, about the aliens and managed to tell Gould what he knows, simple), where just killed off. But I don't miss any of them. I do admit, I liked Psycho because he had an actual personality and proper emotions. O' Niel was a decent character too. But otherwise, i don't really care. If anything, I actually wanted to see Emmerson make a come back lol. You mention "Heros" syndrome and by your definition, it really depends. SOMETIMES it's a bad thing, other times, it's not. With Crysis 2, I say it's MAINLY a good thing but somewhat a bad thing. This "syndrome" svcks because the characters before are killed off right from the bat, but it's also awesome because it paves a new way and detracts from the old boring "Nomad" and manages to set up room for a better story (look, Crysis 1 had a good story, but an amazing one? Not really).

Richard Morgan did a FINE job with Crysis 2's story and I really enjoyed it. Only flaws were basically the previous characters got killed off too fast (but I don't miss any of them, so whatever lol) and Gould's cheesy moments.

OH YEAH, btw...Assassin's Creed 2 does NOT suffer from that "Hero's syndrome" you talked about. Desmond is the main character lol, and he's still around.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:09 am

It seems pretty clear to me that the devs couldn't go "open world" like it was on the C1 island because of the consoles hardware limits. They must have said: "Hey, why not take the sequel to New York? Everything cool happens in NYC anyway, plus it's a perfect environment to make corridor gameplay style, but relatively large ones tho to give an impression of freedom."

With that in mind, the writer had to close the gap one way or another. The change of scenery is so dramatic and irrelevant when you look at the original game that it seems nearly impossible to not leave huge story holes. But all in all, the fault shouldn't be put on the writer shoulders because i'm pretty sure it wasn't his choice to move to NYC.

In fact, there's only one true culprit, and it's still the same again and again.

Blame the bloody consoles.

Actually Cevat Yerli wanted it to go to New York. I think I kind of get what's going on in the dude's mind. Why go BACK to the island for more of the same? Remember, Crytek has been about pushing the limits in hardware and taking risks. Cevat wanted a cinematic experience with an emotional sense to a awesome sci-fi story. That's why he hired Richard Morgan to write the story and that's why he picked New York for the setting. Crytek HAS pushed the limits with Crysis 2, but they pushed console limits this time, not PC. They seem to want to take a new approach with PC. Cevat Yerli stated he got many complains that people can't run Crysis 1, so he was going to have Crysis 2 look awesome on PC but also be optimized so it can be ran well. Though it frustrates him now that people say it's too easy to run. The stress this guy has lol, but you can basically understand all this with interviews from multiple game websites where they talk to Cevat.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:41 pm

It seems pretty clear to me that the devs couldn't go "open world" like it was on the C1 island because of the consoles hardware limits. They must have said: "Hey, why not take the sequel to New York? Everything cool happens in NYC anyway, plus it's a perfect environment to make corridor gameplay style, but relatively large ones tho to give an impression of freedom."

With that in mind, the writer had to close the gap one way or another. The change of scenery is so dramatic and irrelevant when you look at the original game that it seems nearly impossible to not leave huge story holes. But all in all, the fault shouldn't be put on the writer shoulders because i'm pretty sure it wasn't his choice to move to NYC.

In fact, there's only one true culprit, and it's still the same again and again.

Blame the bloody consoles.

Actually Cevat Yerli wanted it to go to New York. I think I kind of get what's going on in the dude's mind. Why go BACK to the island for more of the same? Remember, Crytek has been about pushing the limits in hardware and taking risks. Cevat wanted a cinematic experience with an emotional sense to a awesome sci-fi story. That's why he hired Richard Morgan to write the story and that's why he picked New York for the setting. Crytek HAS pushed the limits with Crysis 2, but they pushed console limits this time, not PC. They seem to want to take a new approach with PC. Cevat Yerli stated he got many complains that people can't run Crysis 1, so he was going to have Crysis 2 look awesome on PC but also be optimized so it can be ran well. Though it frustrates him now that people say it's too easy to run. The stress this guy has lol, but you can basically understand all this with interviews from multiple game websites where they talk to Cevat.

I actually think he basically just wanted to give up on PC so he could make some money. I remember when he told us that the leak was beta, so it was missing some features when we complained about it not having graphics options.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:19 am

Wow. A bunch of barely educated people complaining about Richard Morgan's job, without even really knowing what part he had in the story development or understanding the plot in full in either of the games.

There was never any hint of Hargreave in the first game. Nothing about symbiosis. Nothing notable about the nanosuit program and definitely nothing about the nanosuit being any part of killing the aliens (in the sense that it is in Crysis 2). The first game's story wasn't anything special. Everything (which was actually very little) was spoon fed right into your mouth and the last 3rd of the game was a completely useless waste of resources that they should have spent focusing on the rest of the game.

So here is an actual, decent, engaging story for the game. Now it's bad, right? I mean, now it's straight out of a B rated movie, amirite? Surely. Now the game requires you to use your brain to understand the story in full. You aren't willing or you aren't capable of doing that, so that angers you. It confuses you.

The problem isn't the plot of this game, it's you. You are unable to understand it properly. Either because you're not intelligent enough, or you're not willing to understand it. Either way, you have absolutely no right to complain about Richard Morgan's job on the storyline. As far as story itself is concerned, this is most definitely one of the finest first person shooter games out there. Albeit, some parts of the story are told inconveniently. And if that's your complaint, you are wasting too much time worrying about details.

Go play the game again. Think about everything you hear and see. No, really, think about it. From what I can make out of your gibberish, you sure as hell don't understand the story of this game. And if EVEN THEN you feel like blowing smoke out of your arse, at least provide decent arguments as to why you think Richard Morgan didn't do a good enough job.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:00 am

It seems pretty clear to me that the devs couldn't go "open world" like it was on the C1 island because of the consoles hardware limits. They must have said: "Hey, why not take the sequel to New York? Everything cool happens in NYC anyway, plus it's a perfect environment to make corridor gameplay style, but relatively large ones tho to give an impression of freedom."

With that in mind, the writer had to close the gap one way or another. The change of scenery is so dramatic and irrelevant when you look at the original game that it seems nearly impossible to not leave huge story holes. But all in all, the fault shouldn't be put on the writer shoulders because i'm pretty sure it wasn't his choice to move to NYC.

In fact, there's only one true culprit, and it's still the same again and again.

Blame the bloody consoles.

Actually Cevat Yerli wanted it to go to New York. I think I kind of get what's going on in the dude's mind. Why go BACK to the island for more of the same? Remember, Crytek has been about pushing the limits in hardware and taking risks. Cevat wanted a cinematic experience with an emotional sense to a awesome sci-fi story. That's why he hired Richard Morgan to write the story and that's why he picked New York for the setting. Crytek HAS pushed the limits with Crysis 2, but they pushed console limits this time, not PC. They seem to want to take a new approach with PC. Cevat Yerli stated he got many complains that people can't run Crysis 1, so he was going to have Crysis 2 look awesome on PC but also be optimized so it can be ran well. Though it frustrates him now that people say it's too easy to run. The stress this guy has lol, but you can basically understand all this with interviews from multiple game websites where they talk to Cevat.

I actually think he basically just wanted to give up on PC so he could make some money. I remember when he told us that the leak was beta, so it was missing some features when we complained about it not having graphics options.

LOL yeah! And the leak had more options than the final release, and actually supported modding! Plus it had 64 bit executable and the DX11 api was included (granted, it was broken, but still). And the PAK files were unlocked.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:44 am

Helena didn't create a vaccine, she developed a radio signal that overloads the Cephs power supply and fries them in their suit, and it was only Nomad who had that stuff built into his suit.

The point about the vaccine is that people were infected by it, it is a constant that isn't eradicated even if you remove the source. Therefore the vaccine was necessary to wipe out any chance of Ceph virus revival and to save those already infected but not too far gone.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:29 am

Ive noticed all of these things!!!! Also how the Alien design in the first crysis is completely different then that in Crysis 2. There is no coherent explanation for this considering at the end of the first Crysis there was a full scale invasion about to happen yet they werent seen anywhere in Crysis 2s single player!

Actually the aliens is NOT different. I don't know if you guys realized that there is a squishy part/tentacles on the aliens. What "appears" to be aliens is actually their powered armor suits. You see this when you shoot the helmets off... Am I the only one that saw/understood this???
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:34 am

i have not finished playing crysis 2 but i must say that the atmosphere is definitely not better than crysis 1. you dont get that feeling of "space" and always wondering what will happen next when you play Crysis 1 . the story in Crysis 2 however is easily anticipated. theres not much mystery and you sort of know whats going to happen next. maybe thats because of the linearity involved but im just gonna complete my game and see if what i posted is true.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:17 am

Pretty much true, at least regarding the story stuff. Crysis 2 is more of a Megaman style gameplay. Without the bosses of course. But you still take stuff from your enemies and enhance yourself xD
(ironically the final boss of Crysis 1 made me feel really drawn back to the old megaman x games :D but that was the only part)
Crysis 2 SP didn't really have any moments were I went wow or had a feeling of anticipation of the unknown.
It was more just like a stalone movie. I have to say it was quite a letdown :/ not to say it's not good, but y'know... I awaited at least a little more.
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:18 am

Crytek HAS pushed the limits with Crysis 2, but they pushed console limits this time, not PC.
Maybe they should push the limits of Nintendo's DS next time. Then my Ipod nano after that.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:55 am

Ive noticed all of these things!!!! Also how the Alien design in the first crysis is completely different then that in Crysis 2. There is no coherent explanation for this considering at the end of the first Crysis there was a full scale invasion about to happen yet they werent seen anywhere in Crysis 2s single player!

Actually the aliens is NOT different. I don't know if you guys realized that there is a squishy part/tentacles on the aliens. What "appears" to be aliens is actually their powered armor suits. You see this when you shoot the helmets off... Am I the only one that saw/understood this???

Actually they are different. When you blow off the helmet you do not find this underneath.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:27 am

I still think Nomad and Psycho are still alive, fighting in another state or country against the Ceph. Just a theory cuz i'd hate the idea of having great roles like these just die off. I understand why prophet didn't make it. That's just fine as long Psycho's still alive then i'm ok for the third game :D
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