» Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:28 am
I would say, i am half and half, somewhat upset and somewhat not. These are the facts as of now to me.
1. Obsidian could have done a much better job and even pushed back the release date to fix and repair a larger amount of the game. Also There was no reason that this "Save Corruption Bug" should have been in this game. This shows the lack of following up on these (TESTERS) and making sure they are doing there job. Then again you can argue that this is a very big game and there is no way to eliminate all the bugs or even predict some of the major ones that occurred, Many games have been far worse. So thats something to think about before we start flaming our selfs to death.
2. I really do not understand why Bethesda did not do the programming and design parts??? I like obsidian but why the switch?
3. I understand why there are many upset costumers and some want some kind of compensation. I mean the game was released with a boat load of bugs, too many for how good they claimed this title would be. The Dev's on these forums did a very poor job of informing or keeping us fans at ease and after all this time there are still some major issues. I would like to add this is not me starting a flame war, i understand people make mistakes, It's just the Dev's say people be calm we will update you when we know what going on, well part of your job is to talk to the people even when you do not know whats going on, ease there minds. I mean we did pay $60 and make you guys look good, because you said this game would be good. Maybe some free DLC. LOL i understand this probably wont happen because most gaming company's are greedy like every other major industry out there, Its all about the $$$$$. I appreciate the fallout game, i am a hardcoe fan. Lets just get this right next time and can Bethesda/Obsidian do the right thing and appreciate there fans a little more. Think about them $$$ you make and why??? Every time us fans Pre-order's one of your titles or pays more for the premium edition of the title.
4. Overall the Fallouts games are great, i just wish Bethesda/Obsidian really understood how much we appreciate it, that the smallest bugs can make us go crazy.