Also, can I go straight to the Vale, or is it quest locked?
the Vale is quest locked. you can't access it till near the end of the DG questline (No matter what faction you side with).
It is however, one of the most beautiful areas in the game
have fun, the vale was a surprise to me when i first played. And the dawngaurd questline is pretty fun, have fun shooting vamps
edit:seems like i said fun alot in this post
I envy you, OP. I have to wait till Wednesday to get my copy.
If it's like the PC, you will merely be over-writing a few files you already have. On the PC we're asked if we want to over-write the existing file, we say yes and we're done. I imagine it's probably basically the same process on a console?
The Vale is easiy the most beautiful area in the game.
While playin Dawnguard save before going to Interact with a Draw Knife and Butterflys.
The Scrolls may, or may not work.
Congrats on your Skyrim experience realizing (most of) its potential.
Heck I forgot about that place. Edit: The Vale is easily the SECOND most beautiful area in the game.
Yep, sent to a veritable garden of Eden to do his bidding.
Edit: That is near to a 'Lake'. My jaw nearly hit the floor to see that place, not the cave but where he sends you.
On PS3 you install each, individually, from the LE disc. Probably the same on Xbox. So just don't install HF.
First thing I did was head to Solstheim. It went something like this - "Oh, Redoran! Yay, Bomemold Armor! Morrowind music! Wait, is that the Telvanni I think it is? OMG A NETCH! Bitter Coast OF GOD A SILT STRIDER."
My jaw literally dropped when I saw the netches hovering over the sea south of Ravenrock and I swam out to them to get a close look. The most beautiful sight of any video game I have ever seen bar none. That and their cries were mesmerizing.
I hated to do the fetch quest for netch jelly and did it on land, no way I was going after the ones who stay over the water. When the hunters walked up to me to join them I just waved and said. "Good luck."
Then watched them fall.
The moment I heard the howl of Dusty the Silt Strider is probably my most emotion video game moment ever. That may or may not mean that much since I'm general an even-keel person.. but I digress. I love that DLC to pieces.
The Vale if I was a religious brute of a beast Heaven would look like that the colours are just awe inspiring beauty until you reach the lake when you witness another awe inspiring beauty.
As for Solsthiem an the betty netch hell just to view of red mountain is beautiful let alone the sights an sounds of the netch and silt strider I so wish you could ride the silt strider.
It would have been worth the price of the DLC just to actually be taken for a ride on one. Slow like, not fast travel.