Yea. It seems like he's ignorant of the games mechanics. I play on normal and I run into a challenge sometimes, but overall I'm not having a hard time. It's people like davevallence that make developers create games with literally no challenge. I SHOOTZ HIM IN THE HEAD AND HE WON'T DIE!!! I PLAY ON EAZY MODE CUZ I DOMT UNDERSTAND THE GAME.
This game is all about building a character and playing in a style pertained to the build, but some folks don't understand that.
I love that attitude.
I got this game on release day. I built a character around using Guns. I was around level 12 or something with 100 guns skill and had the .357 cowboy repeater thingy. I find myself up agaisnt some cears leigon elite soilders who, according to vats, would take an eniter clip to the head and not even be 1/3 of the way dead... for one of them. Really? Really really?!? Idiots in football pads can run around just fine with a face litterally full of led and not care?
Oh, but that is teh funz! Oh you are so moar hard corz than me cuz you play on very hard!
I'm sorry but at some point "difficulty" crosses the entertainment line.
I quit playing the game, not because of that, but it did have an impact on my decison. I want to come back to playing the game, but threads liek this remind me of one of the reasons I stopped enjoying the game.
I want to play the game on Easy mode just so I'm not bored of the combat. Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot... okay one enemy dead. three more to go.
I want to enjoy the story and have the action be a part of the story telling, not something that bogs the game play down... then again from what I have experiecned so far and what I have read, the story isn't that good either. Maybe they made the game play so needlessly difficult to keep you playing longer.
I think this is a great review of the game, but that might be becasue I found myself saying muh of the same thing to my friends before I saw it... only not nearly as humorusly as this guy: