Thanks a lot for the replies...yeh its the same MMM i am looking for..
Can anyone connect me to the download link for MMM
edit...ahhh got the link

I juz wubs bigg mapz :celebration:
if you're going to be adding mods,especially the FCOM set-up,i recommend checking here for an understanding of what goes in.the FCOM set-up is intense just to install. .also you will need OBMM,BOSS,OBSE,and wrye bash to make it work with no problems,these links respectivly,
The lastest Wrye Bash has issues, so this is my suggestion. From the Nexus page download;
- the Wrye Python 03a package,
- the Wrye Bash 275 Self Installer,
- then scroll down the page and find Wrye Bash 287 - Archive Version and download (this is the most stable version).
its apain to get going but its worth it.makes oblivion into oblivicrack.