Bought New Vegas over Steam last week. We got the Ultimate Edition, which apparently includes all the DLCs. Both I and my wife are loving the quests, the dialogue, the factions - just the sheer amount of options available.
We are both big fans of the FWE (Fallout Wanderer's Edition) mod for Fallout 3, and so without hesitation we went for hardcoe mode right away in NV. Otherwise we're playing on what I guess is the default difficulty setting.
And in combat, my character seems to just barely scraqe by. My wife is having much less frustration and difficulty with hers. Clearly, this injustice cannot stand!
So here's what we're dealing with. I wanted to make a sort of cowboy-style character (seemed fitting), so at character creation I tagged Guns, Speech, and Survival. For my SPECIALs, I dropped INT down to 4 and increased AGI and LUCK to 7, and I think END and CHA to 6. Maybe I also dropped STR to 4 and upped PER to 6.
Regardless, on level-up I have been faithfully increasing Guns by at least 5 skill points. Currently at level 9, my Guns is at 72, Speech is next highest at 60, and Survival lags behind around 40. I had also been putting some points into Repair early on, so that's in the 30s. Other skills are in the teens.
I figured that, with a Guns skill in the 50s or higher, I would be able to pretty much drop stuff with a head shot, or a shot to the torso followed by a head shot. But I'm finding that pretty much any enemy I fight can withstand multiple shots to the head at point blank range (within 20' or so) with a .357 magnum. Since I started with the DLCs, I started with some pretty good gear, but it doesn't seem to matter - the Caravan Shotgun, Weathered 10mm - hell, even Maria doesn't get the job done quickly.
I don't have all the stats on my wife's character, but the basics are that she uses Energy Weapons and Explosives. Her EW skill is around 60; her Explosives is probably lower than that. Just last night I saw her take out 3 Fiends at once with a single Frag Grenade. A little later when I was playing and ran across 3 Fiends in a different area, it took me multiple reloads before I could kill them all.
Oh, and she also has a companion:
I don't. Haven't had the opportunity yet, and anyway I was sort of wanting to be a lone wanderer kind of dude.
Anyway, I know this is getting into what is considered wall of text territory, but I just wondered if a) I'm crazy, b ) hardcoe mode or NV in general gimps Guns, or, c) my wife is simply a better player than I am. And, if c, can our marriage survive???