Just how concerned should I be about TES4Edit "Check for

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:35 am

So far these are the errors this option has been giving me:

Parameter #2 ->
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:6000EE58]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ZARemove100 "100 gold" [DIAL:60002BFA]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
Above errors were found in :[60] za_bankmod.esp

Type ->
Above errors were found in :RDAT - Data Header
Above errors were found in :Region Data Entry
Above errors were found in :Region Data Entries
Above errors were found in :JOG01Island1 [REGN:5A006396]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "REGN"
Script effect -> [02013C7B]
Above errors were found in :SCIT - Script effect data
Above errors were found in :Script effect
Above errors were found in :Effect
Above errors were found in :Effects
Above errors were found in :JOG01T04brandy "Ancient Dagoth Brandy" [ALCH:5A017B1C]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "ALCH"
Above errors were found in :[5A] thievery.esp

FranLLF0QuestWeaponLev10Dagger [REFR:3C000D04] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FortSutchExterior02 [CELL:0000A7FE] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -47,3)) -> Missing required members: Base, Position/Rotation
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FortSutchExterior02 [CELL:0000A7FE] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -47,3)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of FortSutchExterior02 [CELL:0000A7FE] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -47,3)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 0, -6
FranLLF0QuestWeaponLev16Dagger [REFR:3C000D05] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0000A7BC] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -49,5)) -> Missing required members: Base, Position/Rotation
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0000A7BC] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -49,5)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:0000A7BC] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -49,5)
Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 0, -7
Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, -2
Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
Above errors were found in :[4E] Sutch Reborn Spawn Patch.esp

Location -> Target is not persistent
Above errors were found in :PLDT - Location
Above errors were found in :aaaSenetEatSR [PACK:4D04721F]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "PACK"
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D0382FB]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ABContractstay "Stay here" [DIAL:4D0382FA]
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D0382F9]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ABFollowcontract "Follow" [DIAL:4D0382F8]
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D0382F6]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of ABBUYCONTRACT "Hire for a 1000 Gold" [DIAL:4D0382F5]
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4D03754D]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
[ROAD:4D04E8E1] -> Missing required members: Points, Point-to-Point Connections (complex structure can't be represented, see source)
Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of aaaLostGroundForKaotINSutch "Kato: Inner Palace District" [WRLD:4D04C6AA]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
Above errors were found in :[4D] (DC) Sutch Reborn.esp

NAME - Base -> [01059E81]
Above errors were found in :[REFR:4C007128] (places [01059E81] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of tbeTrainingCenterEntrance "Cyrodiil Training Center: Entrance" [CELL:4C000ED9])
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of tbeTrainingCenterEntrance "Cyrodiil Training Center: Entrance" [CELL:4C000ED9]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of tbeTrainingCenterEntrance "Cyrodiil Training Center: Entrance" [CELL:4C000ED9]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 0
Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 1
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "CELL"
Item -> [01059E53]
Above errors were found in :CNTO - Item
Above errors were found in :Items
Above errors were found in :tbeCleaningStaff "Cleaning Staff" [NPC_:4C00AE62]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "NPC_"
Above errors were found in :[4C] Cyrodiil Training Center.esp

Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B00327C]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003287]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003288]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003289]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
Above errors were found in :[4B] BHC_Expanded.esp

Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B00327C]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003287]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003288]
Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST
Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition
Above errors were found in :Conditions
Above errors were found in :[INFO:4B003289]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "GREETING" [DIAL:000000C8]
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL"
Above errors were found in :[4B] BHC_Expanded.esp
LL0LootArmorLight5Elven100 [LVLI:00032D73] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL0LootArmorHeavy4Orcish100 [LVLI:00032D5A] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL0LootWeapon5Elven100 [LVLI:0002B5F9] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL2LootStaff100 [LVLI:000979F7] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "LVLI"
SELL1GnarlManiaLvl100 [LVLC:00041006] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlDementiaLvl100 [LVLC:00041005] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard25 [LVLC:0003DC5B] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard50 [LVLC:0003DC5A] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard75 [LVLC:0003DC59] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile25 [LVLC:00036004] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile50 [LVLC:00036002] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile75 [LVLC:00036001] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee25 [LVLC:00034089] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee50 [LVLC:00034088] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee75 [LVLC:00034087] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditWizard100 [LVLC:0003407E] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMissile100 [LVLC:0003407C] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditMelee100 [LVLC:0003407B] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlManiaLvlBoss100 [LVLC:00012027] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlDementiaLvlBoss100 [LVLC:00012026] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlDementia100 [LVLC:00012021] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
SELL1GnarlMania100 [LVLC:00012020] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSGuests [LVLC:44016C26] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits10 [LVLC:44005C02] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits9 [LVLC:44005C01] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits8 [LVLC:44005C00] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits7 [LVLC:44005BFF] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits6 [LVLC:44005BFE] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits5 [LVLC:44005BFD] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits4 [LVLC:44005BFC] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits3 [LVLC:44005BFB] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits2 [LVLC:44005BFA] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSWildernessBandits [LVLC:44005BF9] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSDementiaWildCamps [LVLC:44005397] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSDementiaRoadCamps [LVLC:44005396] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSManiaWildCamps [LVLC:44005395] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
VSManiaRoadCamps [LVLC:44005394] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL2WildernessBanditCaves50 [LVLC:0011CAA1] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditCampMagic [LVLC:0009404B] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditCampMissile [LVLC:0009404A] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
LL1BanditCampMelee [LVLC:00094049] -> Missing required members: Leveled List Entries
Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "LVLC"
Above errors were found in :[44] TIE.esp


Are these things normal for some mods and I can ignore them? FO3Edit manual doesn't go into detail, searching TES4Edit "Check for Errors" is the same.
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Eire Charlotta
Posts: 3394
Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:00 pm

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:00 pm

Could be serious error depending on which records could not be resolved.

Type ->
Above errors were found in :RDAT - Data Header
Above errors were found in :Region Data Entry
Above errors were found in :Region Data Entries
Above errors were found in :JOG01Island1 [REGN:5A006396]

Probably harmless. I don't think TES4EDIT knows what all weather and region records are.

Missing required members: Base, Position/Rotation

Never seen this one before

Missing required members: Leveled List Entries

Probably harmless. Lots of this in FCOM, probably to block certain items from appearing.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:39 pm

The type 5 region record does not exist, it is generally harmless but in some cases has been reported to cause CTDs, like when it was discovered in UL Aspen Wood. It's probably some kind of holdover from an earlier CS version.

Parameter #2 ->
Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST

Things like that are probably not good, because whoever set it up forgot to make it check something useful. It will probably result in dialogue not working right.

Something to keep in mind though - doing a "check for errors" with your entire load order up might not be such a good idea. If you suspect an error with a specific mod, it's best to load only that mod to avoid influencing it with data from other sources.
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gemma king
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