Once TESV is available for retail i will:
1) Start preparing to build up a new computer that meets or possibly surpasses the recommended settings for it (Yes its worth it and yes, my last computer that i prepped for Oblivion isn't gonna cut it anymore. TESV will be a good excuse to buy a new one.

2) Start planning my leave so i can enjoy a full week of TESV goodness. (Enjoying for the weekend just isn't enough)
3) Buy both the Collector's Edition + Normal Edition and play using only the normal edition and leaving the Collector's Edition untouched. (As my way of supporting Bethesda)
4) Recommend how good the game is to my friends and definitely persuade them to buy it also.
5) After enjoying it for about 6 months down the road, start lurking around the Mod Forums for the fantastic mods that are being made.
6) Complete the game and wait in anticipation for TESVI