I just read the mods FAQ sticky and downloaded FOMM0.13.20, FOSE v1.2 beta 2.7z, Program Version Recommended 944, FOMS 2 Alpha 1 3596, AND FO3 Edit 2.53-637.7. A few things I'm not yet clear on though, which could overall be described as "in what order should I install all these tools"
- Do I need to download .NET seperately from Microsoft?
- Do I need to install other things similar to .NET to get the FO3 mod tools to work? For Oblivion, I had to download (on a different computer- not playing FO3 on my home computer) Python, and some other things.
- What order should I install the above listed FO3 mod tools?
- Is it okay if I install all the mod tools before I ever run FO3? Basically, will never using Games for Windows Live (whihc I dislike and am happy to ditch) mess up the game in anyway?
- Because I have GOTY version, I know I have all the official patches. Are there any unofficial patches I should install prior to installing mods (this is the case with Oblvion)?
- I read the Installing FO3 Mods for Noobs (http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/articles/features/610/Installing-Fallout-3-Mods-for-Newbs) and notice the heading "MANUAL METHOD" which seems to imply there's an automatic method, as well (akin maybe in Oblivion to using OBMM and Wrye Bash and BOSS, which are infinitely preferrable to installing mods manually). IF there is an automated method to installing FO3 mods a la OBMM and Wrye Bash, is there a guide for that somewhere?
Basically, I'm in "what next" mode now that I have installed my GOTY version of FO3.
If there's a prosaic, hold-you-by-the-hand guide to the process, including suggested load orders, that would be awesome.
Thanks a lot.