well, here i am at coastal cottage. a quaint little place with an over-abundance of defense, as they're frequently attacked my greenskins.
evidently the mutys have grown upset with me always thwarting their plans of destruction of this quiet little place. MY PEOPLE ARE NOT FOOD! well, you can have preston but the rest i will defend!
anywho, i spawn in and the routine is shook up a bit as everyone's on high alert, running and screaming like they're on fire. usually this turns out to be a couple normal supers, maybe a hound or 2. not today. not this day, no. this day, there were more. many more. why does this happen to me all the time? do you guys experience this?
4 (FOUR) yes, 4 super mutant warlords,
3 super mutant masters,
2 glowing hounds,
3 normal hounds,
a couple other standard mutys runnin around. it's hard to keep track when these completely op sponges are hittin me from every angle. I've got some high spots on top of buildings so I've hit em with the mirved big boy, which took out 2 warlords and a hound and i got a couple standards and 1 master and a hound before they finally bested me with flankin tactics and explosives. that was the best I've gotten so far so i had to take a break.
fortunately, i was stupid enough to save it after this last spawn, in which I've encountered all of those listed.
it seemed to have glitched 2 groups onto this one settlement because I've encountered half of this before (aside from the glowing hound, that's a new one to me).
i just wondered if any of you guys ever see these army's of crazy enemies with ridiculous stats? i ask because I've seen alot of complaints about mundaine enemies or shoddy a.i., but these guys are far from mundaine.
the entire game has been enjoyably challenging but this particular skirmish is just ridiculous. i am level 69 with 2 level ups in my pipboy, survival difficulty, on ps4 with no cheats or dup glitch exploits or anything. i play fair and the only time i fast travel is when I'm harvesting the goodies from the settlements.
last thing, i always encounter ridiculously op enemies with multi-tier stats like "alpha glowing angry middle-aged balding three-toed nutless deathclaw"! funny though, alot of deathclaws won't even attack me, i figure it's cuz i gave that one back her egg. i dunno, it's cool tho!
edit: i was mistaken with the total amount of baddies I'm seein here. there's around 16 total mutys and at least 6 are warlords. I'll list exact totals once i beat em. which I've gotten em down to just 2 left! wooooooooo!!!