Is it just me or is Morrowind just like way more hardcoe

Post » Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:10 am

I just started a new game of Morrowind on PC, I played it back in the day just screwing around using mods and the console. I never really got into the game or the main quest. That was many years ago, years before Oblivion came out. I know the lore of Morrowind far as the Great Houses, factions, how the skills work and etc.

Anyhow, decided to play a legitimmate playthrough of Morrowind and I gotta tell you it is annoying, I forgot about the monsters that take away your strength completey. Your strength gets taken to 0 forever until you cure it, let me tell you how annoying this is. I walk into a dungeon on my assassin, my 2nd dungeon, I get attacked by this creature that I killed, I start trying to move and I cannot. I look at my strength is 0, I do some research only to find out the only possible way to move is to throw every last thing you have out of your inventory on the ground in the dungeon to move.

Ok stay with me, so I throw all my items on the ground, I try to back track out of the dungeon only to run into PITCH BLACK, I mean the kind of black that shows up on your monitor or TV when it is turned off. I can't see anything, I don't know where im going period, I walk into another monster completey naked without any items to speak of, I try running from it and eventually give up & reload the game.

What do I do? I use the console to add a Restore Strength spell and set my Restoration a little higher so I can use the spell just to get myself out of the situation.

Let me clarify, I played Ultima Online for 5 years starting not long before T2A came out (UO is the first mmorpg ever), that is a game that gives you no instructions at the beginning, the slowest skill gain you will ever play in any game including Morrowind. My point is, I had no idea how truely dubbed down Oblivion & Skyrim were compared to Morrowind. I mean obviously I learned that I need to carry Restore Strength & a Lantern with me that I can probably buy in Balmorra. There is a a lot of trail and error in Morrowind, I told myself I would NOT use the console unless it was the FixMe command and I sure enough I used it. I did not make but one saved game or I would have reloaded a game that I could have gone into a town & the supplies to prepare.

The point & moral of the story is, I forgot how dubbed down Oblivion & Skyrim are compared to Morrowind. Morrowind is not a difficult game but it does have somewhat of a learnign curve and definitly takes considerably more time to play then a game like Oblivion or Skyrim. I will likely haft to make my way out of the dungeon without using the console, just so I can feel better about myself but it is going to be a pain in the ass lol.

The overhaul mod I am using for my play through, I am sure everyone on PC is highly aware of this, but it makes Morrowind look better then a unmodded Skyrim by leaps & bounds, a fully modded skyrim (with the mods we have), it probably still honestly looks better my opinion. Words do not describe it, but you do need a very updated PC, I am running a GTX 470, i5 4.2 (OC), 8gigs 1600 and I am not always at 60 fps, I will see spikes of 25 fps breifly but average 50 - 60 frames with how I have this overhaul optimized for my computer.

Ornitocopter Team Overhaul 3.0.

Here is a Nexus LINK to the mod, there are several other download links/mirrors avaible on Ornitocopter Team website.
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