Ok so is it just me or is it obvious we weren't always

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:26 am

getting power armor so early? I mean, there are dozens upon dozens of NPC comments about your power armor when you wear it in various locations of the world. Some refer to the protection, others refer to the way it looks, some even comment on its intimidation factor, but oddly enough, not a single person in the brotherhood says one word about you having power armor before you join them or before they give you a suit. For a faction so hellbent on hoarding all technology, you'd think they'd at least say something about a non brotherhood member running around the wastes in better power armor than they have. One of the first things Danse says to you when you agree to join the brotherhood and get on the airship is he's sure you're eager to get into power armor, except there's no alternate lines if you already have power armor. I'm on my second playthrough and while I noticed it the first time around I never gave it much thought other than "lol Bethesda goofed" but this time, by the time I go the prydwen I'm in full t-60d, 2 iterations better than the t-60b set that the brotherhood offers. I realized that with all the brotherhood talking about you getting power armor as if it's some super special thing, even if you're wearing better than what they have, that means it's very likely that joining the brotherhood was originally going to be the only way to get power armor but that was changed during production and no one bothered to update the script, or maybe it was changed after the lines were recorded and Bethesda forgot to rerecord the lines or didn't want to spend the money on it. As for why it was changed, I can only guess. My guess is that originally Bethesda was going to repeat Fallout 3 with the brotherhood and that ridiculous power armor training you had to do but enough people pointed out how stupid it would be to rehash that part of Fallout 3 so they changed it, or maybe they simply realized some people may not want to join the brotherhood at all and would need a way to access power armor without the need for the brotherhood or their power armor training.

Just something I noticed and wondering if I'm alone in this.

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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:14 am

I noticed this too. I just went to the Prydwen for the first time last night. I'm at level 51 and I have a fully modded set of X-01 Mk-VI, which I was wearing when I went to the Prydwen. All of the comments about how I must be eager to get into a suit of power armor were silly.

Like...sure, I'll take this BOS II T-60b. I already have a set of BOS II T-60 power armor that I salvaged from a BoS Knight that got killed by some super mutants, and I've already modded it to BOS II T-60f, but yes, this set of power armor will look nice in my workshop with my 8 other full sets of power armor, 4 blank frames, and numerous trunks full of other power armor components. I'll just have to go drop my vastly superior suit of X-01 power armor off at home first and then come back to pick this one up.

I barely use power armor in the first place but the over-abundance of it in Fallout 4 is a little stupid. In previous Fallout games power armor was rare. In Fallout 4, not so much. There are three suits of power armor within a very short walk of Sanctuary Hills, aside from the suit you get at the Museum of Freedom. I think in some respects this was a move meant to appeal more to the first person shooter crowd. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I think it would be a lot more believable if the power armor was harder to come by.

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Killah Bee
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:09 am

Bethesda always has these quirky little oversights.

They give you power armor at the start of the game pretty much then later in the game they say "Don't get excited for your first suit of power armor!". If it was an alternative and not part of one of the main factions I could understand the oversight.

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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:01 pm

BoS dont mention nothing about any armor.

U will get NPC to speak about every type of armor u use. If u use leather they will comment how good is to have a agile armor or raider they will comment that u look like one and u better dont rob

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benjamin corsini
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:18 am

I think I'm going stop grabbing up PA when I see them, I have about 20 in the hills. They fill up one entire house and I don't enjoy wearing them so I'm not going to pick them up any more.

You can have a PA in probably less than 5 minutes after leaving the vault. I found one before meeting dogmeat.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:03 am

Where did you find one that fast? Do you mean the crashed vertibird to the east of sanctuary hills? That's the only one I know nearby besides the one in concord.

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Rodney C
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:02 am

those things are always weird ingame

but can you imagine how much work it would actually be, to code and record all the extra dialogues to cover all possibilities in every case? ^^

I'm already impressed when a Diamond City guard mentions something about what I've done not too long ago :D

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Josee Leach
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:31 pm

God.. I have 5 sets of power armor. And I'm a stealth based character. I've worn it twice: once at the beginning and once with the BoS attacking Fort Strong. I'm level 47, by the way.

It's gotten so bad I'm selling the pieces I find.

I mean, enough with the power armor!

I am starting the MQ, so I might wear it to travel the glowing sea.. but that's about it.

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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:20 am

I see Concord, at least, as more of an extended tutorial. This is PA, here is where it comes in handy, it uses power cores as fuel. Note the HUD differences.

It would be good if the NPC assumption wasn't just as though the PC had never used PA to begin with.
And... at least for the male PC, I can see a military BG equating into PA training, so I don't find it much an issue.
Though, it does diminish the female PC a bit, since it isn't so likely for a lawyer.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:29 am

They already do this in game with random guards and NPCs mentioning your power armor in passing, and even the vault 81 overseer mentions it in mid conversation if you're wearing it when you first go there. It would have taken a few extra lines of dialogue to address this.

No power armor: Current dialogue.

Wearing raider power armor: "I see you have some homemade power armor and I'm sure you think it's great but you'll find that our T-60 is far superior to that cobbled together mess you're using."

Wearing T-45 or T-51: "I see you already some power armor but you'll find our T-60b to be superior to your older model power armor.."

Wearing T-60: "Normally recruits are so eager to get power armor that they can't focus on anything else but since you already have a set of T-60 I expect your full attention."

Wearing X-01: "Normally recruits are so eager to get power armor that they can't focus on anything else but it looks like you have one of the rare experimental models so I imagine our model T-60 will be of little interest to you."

Wearing a combination of sets: "I see that you already have some power armor but you're wearing bits and pieces of different models. Take this full suit of T-60. It's top of the line and you'll be far more imposing using a single set."

So 5 extra lines of dialogue, 6 if you want to add a special line to account for broken pieces. Probably would have taken them an hour tops to record the lines for it and 15 minutes to set it up in game.

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Joie Perez
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:09 am

yeah and the power core from the root cellar under the house in the hills

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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:47 pm

I'm like you, worn it even less in fact. Just use the hazmat suit in the glowing sea, rubbish protection from attacks but shouldn't matter at that level.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:48 pm

I had six sets of PA before I got involved with the BoS, and I had way more weapons and other gear than their quartermaster. They don't impress me...I have Codsworth.

I've tried to do quests in it twice, and gave up...it doesn't seem right to be stomping through rickety old buildings in a ton of metal...sure, it might stop falling damage, but does it stop four stories of building collapsing on you? (In actual fact, I did have a car wreck fall next to me from the top level of an overpass when I was clambering around on the next level down...)

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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:42 pm

I was happy to get my BOS armor, because I was still rolling with my rusted out T-45 suit up to that point.

It's a reality of having an open game like this, where you could easily spend 50 hours traipsing around the world before you even encounter the BOS. They might like to hoard all technology for themselves, but that isn't the same as actually being able to keep every suit of power armor out there, out of the hands of others. For starters, they only really seem to be interested in T-60 suits for some reason.

If I have any complaints, it's just the power armor becomes almost hilariously easy to get after a while. My Sanctuary has - get ready for this - no less than 20 suits sitting around, all fully completed. And that includes two full X-01 suits, and a third X-01 suit that is just missing a leg. All acquired legitimately, and not through console commands or whatever. Only one of them was acquired through the trick of "pickpocketing" the fusion core out of an occupied suit, too.

And they aren't all BoS suits or anything. I've got probably 4 full T-45 sets, and 5-6 full T-51 sets. And I've got enough armor parts in a trunk to complete another 3-4 PA frames, should I ever come across them.

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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:52 am

I'm ignoring power armor this play through until I join the BoS.
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Ann Church
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:35 am

I haven't had those NPC comments but its impossible to record enough dialogue for every NPC to comment correctly on your characters exact situation.

Besides I just assume every NPC is a bumbling dingleberry to be ignored lol

The BOS comments to me "You'll have to make do with what you have" early in the BOS questline, I take that to mean "If you have PA, good for you"

Not an issue for me.

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Rob Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:34 am

I think its more a side effect of the openness of it being a sandbox, you technically dont need to use the power armour at concord, nor is it a requirement that you find better PA pieces out in the wild.

Its simply a case of the dev not bothering, because they know what a coding mess it be to account for every possibility.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:22 pm

Power armour used to be this almost legendary thing that most people never even saw (this applied to deathclaws as well). Now even raiders use some power armour... BGS truly can't leave any pillars of the franchise/lore untouched.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:28 am

Well thats kinda there thing, they tear down a franchises pillars every time and build up new ones, sometimes more or less looking the same, other times something completely new, in there mind treating anything as "holy" just leads to stagnation and copy/paste repeats.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:38 am

It's amusing how you just keep ignoring (I'm pretty sure we've already had this discussion) that you can make a better game than the original with keeping the core values and lore intact just to defend your favourite corporation.

It's called iteration and evolution, you know?

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Chloe Botham
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:58 pm

Not ignoring at all, if anything you're the one that keeps ignoring the fact Fallout is now under new ownership and by its very nature its impossible that the game would follow the same design philosophy as the old owners.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:23 am

Moving the goal post, eh? All right, I shouldn't have responded to begin with.


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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:05 am

"I used to be a wasteland wanderer like you, then I took a bullet to the knee."

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:44 am

Kid: "Do all you outsiders wear such strange clothes"

Me: "Im wearing the mayor's outfit you moron"

Kid: "I like turtles!"

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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:18 am

I would put it down to a limitation of just how subtle you go on dialogue options.

I'm level 53 now and have only put the power armour on once for combat, and only then because it was to advance the storyline.
I have 8 sets back at sanctuary hills and that's without going out of my way to find them.
I would have a lot more if you could take the dead body out of frames (I justify this with a bio-lock set by the wearer)

Fallout 4 doesn't seem to be that backwards about giving you stuff, whether it be powered armour or weapons or junk. The areas respawn fairly quickly so you are never at a loss for long.

I started with an extreme min/max build for stealth sniper of strength 1. The powered Armour gave me a nice carry capacity buff when fast travelling between settlements, but beyond that I don't use it.
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