getting power armor so early? I mean, there are dozens upon dozens of NPC comments about your power armor when you wear it in various locations of the world. Some refer to the protection, others refer to the way it looks, some even comment on its intimidation factor, but oddly enough, not a single person in the brotherhood says one word about you having power armor before you join them or before they give you a suit. For a faction so hellbent on hoarding all technology, you'd think they'd at least say something about a non brotherhood member running around the wastes in better power armor than they have. One of the first things Danse says to you when you agree to join the brotherhood and get on the airship is he's sure you're eager to get into power armor, except there's no alternate lines if you already have power armor. I'm on my second playthrough and while I noticed it the first time around I never gave it much thought other than "lol Bethesda goofed" but this time, by the time I go the prydwen I'm in full t-60d, 2 iterations better than the t-60b set that the brotherhood offers. I realized that with all the brotherhood talking about you getting power armor as if it's some super special thing, even if you're wearing better than what they have, that means it's very likely that joining the brotherhood was originally going to be the only way to get power armor but that was changed during production and no one bothered to update the script, or maybe it was changed after the lines were recorded and Bethesda forgot to rerecord the lines or didn't want to spend the money on it. As for why it was changed, I can only guess. My guess is that originally Bethesda was going to repeat Fallout 3 with the brotherhood and that ridiculous power armor training you had to do but enough people pointed out how stupid it would be to rehash that part of Fallout 3 so they changed it, or maybe they simply realized some people may not want to join the brotherhood at all and would need a way to access power armor without the need for the brotherhood or their power armor training.
Just something I noticed and wondering if I'm alone in this.