I once got the civ v guide and it was delivered before the game came out. I was very popular in the forums for a few days answering questions. Maybe youll be abpe to fill us in with perks etc.
I just bought a new Sony 49" 4k and LOVE it! Even FO3 on my 360 looks a hundred times better. Refresh rate is insane and color is fantastic.
Sorry for derailing, back to your regularly scheduled posting.
The guide sounds cool, especially in hardcover. Enjoy it!
That's what's up! I've tested Fallout 3 on a Phillips Magnovox HD and it runs great. Didn't notice any input lag but I'm sure playing something like Battlefield 4 would be more noticeable.
What is the model # of your Sony 4K? I've been checking out reviews and I'm still debating on shelling out the extra money on 4K or just starting off with a Samsung HD for now.
Or just go to the store. I pre-ordered the hardcover the same time I ordered my game about 2 or 3 weeks ago. He had it in his system as being available before it was even widely announced. I love going to the actual store because you can use it like a layaway system for games that haven't yet been released. Just plonk down 5-15 bucks and you've got it reserved. You can then go back once a month and keep putting money down on that same item until it's payed off without ever having to put a dent in your budget. You can reserve games you aren't even sure about and if you change your mind about buying them can then switch the money you put down on that game to another game.
Look at this for the collectors itch if you haven't yet http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1529588-fo4-le-crate-for-those-cold-night-in-the-wasteland/