Just some things i've noticed about the Koreans on The XBOX

Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:56 pm

So i was playing the Crysis Console Remake on my Friend's Xbox today and as like to obsever characters i noticed two curious things about them that were different from the PC Version.

1. Almost no Trooper variety.

The Original Crysis hat lots different KPA models, i now there were some concesions for porting but it seems like they ditched the entire variation system.

2.Different voices

Another thing is that the voices of the KPA soldiers have been drasticly changed and sound very different in a bad way very weak and dull when compared to the PC version voices.
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John N
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:35 pm

Yes, they have for some strange reason replaced a lot of the great Korean dialogue from the PC version and re-recorded it for the consoles. My guess is they felt the original dialogue was a little racist e.g. "You American pig"; "Western bastard", "Die Yankee Shankee"! I can't imagine anyone really finding those phrases offensive, more funny, but there you go. The Korean's have now lost much of their personality.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:52 am

So far the only thing disappoints me is the Koreans dialogues. They're not as fun as the PC version.

I dont mind about the inferior graphics, 20-30 FPS or nanosuit control changes, but the changes of the Koreans really bother me.
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