I'm going to play on console for a couple of weeks and let other people figure out the optimal pc specs. Once I gather enough data I'll build a whole new pc that'll hopefully run all that mods to come for a good while.
I'm going to play on console for a couple of weeks and let other people figure out the optimal pc specs. Once I gather enough data I'll build a whole new pc that'll hopefully run all that mods to come for a good while.
I've been playing on console now for a good few years, but after the FO4 trailer was released, I decided to get back to my PC gaming roots. The laptop I've just ordered has cost me the equivalent of almost $4,000, but it will be worth every penny!
17 days to go, and I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning!!!
I'm looking at a Galax GTX970 Exoc Black Edition 4096MB (dunno how much all that matters but heeeeeyyy) that I can just about afford and from what I've read is a pretty good card AND it's the cheapest I think I've been able to find in the entire country. It'd be a huge upgrade from my R7 260X but I'm not computer savvy and so I'm wondering stuff like will my 500 watt PU be enough? Will it fit in my box? I mean it should right? Will I be able to install it without exploding my PC? etc.
Should say in specs what kind of power supply you need.
tell me about it, im paying the same price for 250gb as i did for 120gb. Hopefully its a bright outlook for the future of SSD's
Yeah, its minimum is 500W. 145W for 'maximum graphics card power.' But I mean does minimum mean my PC will just randomly decide to fts and shut down if it's taxed? Or is mimimum the baseline for ensuring that won't happen and it just wouldn't be AS good as having, say a 750W PU?
I will play on my old rig (i3770K, GTX670, 16GB DDR3, all OC) and hopefully reach high. If I can do that I will not buy anything until the new CPU/GPU stuff is on the market (Pascal/Zen).
I have to get a whole new system. Currently, I'm on 32-bit with a CPU and vid card that can do Skyrim, but have been unable to play anything new for the last 2 years. So, with help, I'm going to configure a custom system that ought to keep me in the high texture cotton for a while.
I upgraded a few months ago and Fallout 4 was on my mind but I really did it for GTA V and Twitcher 3
Made sure my pc was ready for fallout 4 and also the newer alpha versions of star citizen.
Purchased new hardware all but the PSU and GFX card are new.
Motherboard: Asus pro gaming z170
CPU: i7 6700k Skylake
RAM: 16 GB DDR 4 RAM 2666 MHz might upgrade later on to 3000 MHz
GFX: EVGA GTX 770 Classified 4 GB version so not going to be a problem
PSU: 700 Watt Gold Corsair silent series
SSD: 500 GB
Total cost around 900 Euro.
Within the past two months I've upgraded both my CPU and GPU (see my sig). Not exclusively for Fallout 4 though, but it was a big motivator.
I was going to upgrade anway, fallout just hurried things along. manaeged to snatch a I7- 4790k with a 980 TI for a good price.
GPU is nice, i went from a 770 to a 980, i would of gotten a 980 ti if it was out yet.. not sure i'f i'm going from a 980 strix with factory and personal OC to a 980ti just now, prolly wait for the next big gaming card in my case as it would be a marginal improvement.
I wouldn't off gotten the 4930k though, its expensive and most games at stock speeds perform worse on it compared to the 4790k or 6700k, they're also easier to overclock to a higher core clock.
think he meant i7 3770K as there is no i3 770k or i3 3770k
Those two CPUs are incompatible with my mobo's socket-type. I got the best CPU that's out there for an X79 chipset/generation one 2011socket. I could've gone with an i7 4960K, but it's not really any better and twice-the-cost.
i read over that, my bad.
could of gotten a high end 1150 socket mobo with a 4790k though and still would off turned out cheaper (for example)