Has anyone else upgraded their PC to it get ready for Fallout 4? Does anyone have any plans to upgrade?
Has anyone else upgraded their PC to it get ready for Fallout 4? Does anyone have any plans to upgrade?
I upgraded my graphics card. And from what "can you run it" says I still need to upgrade my card again for this game.
What CPU?
I just built a new pc a few months ago, though not just for Fallout 4
I built it for ?VR, Photoshop, and making mods
some people told me to not trust canyourunit though.
Nope.. I'll have to get an entirely new computer to play fallout 4 since my motherboard is no longer relevant to upgrade.. I have a console so it makes no difference at the moment.
The CPU I got is the AMD FX-8350. It's a bit below the recommended requirements but it's a whole hell of a lot better then the CPU I had before. I expect to be able to run the game on medium to high setting, but not ultra with my current rig. That'll be good enough for me.
Also, as others said, I wouldn't trust "can you run it" too much. I've gotten some bad information from them.
They said I couldn't run MGSV: Ground Zeroes on the highest settings. I could.
They said I could run GTA V on the highest settings. I couldn't. I had to run it on medium.
That's better then my graphics card, I have the R9 270X 2GB. You shouldn't have any problem running the game with that.
My old CPU didn't even meet the minimum requirements, so I had to upgrade.
EVGA GTX 970 SSC, purchased that to play Fo4.
Hoping I am fine on CPU as well, I'd like to say hey I play all these other games fine but who knows right now for sure until the game is out no one really knows.
Yeah bought a new computer for fallout 4. To be fair its for more then just fallout 4... I went a wee bit overboard.
you should be fine, it won't run on Ultra, maybe Medium / high.
Planning on finally getting another SSD. The one i have at the moment is 120gb and is my C drive. 250gb one should be fine for a few of my favourite games. Plus anoher 8GB of ram for a total of 16GB.
I was smart enough to get a decent 970 and an i5 4690 which is a brilliant CPU, so im not worried at all
As for "can you run it", they base their calculations off the actual requirements that the devs set. So to say they give dodgy info is saying the devs were wrong, and they cant try ever single combo so of course it will be different in some cases. I didnt meet the recommended but i know i will be pushing the higher settings easily anyway, if not the highest.
Yep upgraded from my old GTX 460 1gb (That I got for Skyrim) to a GTX 960 4GB. Looking at getting another 8gb of ram to bring my total to 16gb as well.
New computer ( it's that time anyway )
Got 5 good years out of my old one...hoping for same with new one.
Not necessarily for Fallout 4, but now I know I can max it.