Games are ultimatly just getting easier and will continue to cater to the "casual" crowd because they bring in the most money.
Eventually, like music, games will be generalized for the masses.
/Hippie rant
Thats how it was yes.
But now we are seeing a trend where games are getting more difficult and the game developers realize, people want a challenge.
I dont mind some of the handholding in skyrim.
But I want to feel that Im a man running around swinging an axe if i now do that, not a god using my finger of death.
It takes but a few hours of play in skyrim to ruin your experience, by fiddling with 2ndary skills, not to mention combat in general should be made more hard.
Dark Souls set the trend for what to come I think. Its a shame PC users dont get to play this.
But, the trend was there too as they did easter eggs, planting in redicilously overpowered weapons you could get if you did X and Y and then moved there and shot that.
Sure, hard to figure out. But with internet today, 1 minute of google search before you start to play, lists just the easter eggs you need that spoils even some of Dark Souls possible dangerous element.
Still, that game IS hard.
Gamers in general now adays actually want games to be pretty hard. We want to be killed easy if we make mistakes.
We dont want to run around killing things left and right. Its not fun.
In Skyrim you CAN get an extreme feeling of vulnerability.
And you get that by playing on expert or master and staying away from smithing and enchanting. The rest you can take.
Do this and you will get the true experience of this game.
Both smithing and enchanting should be removed from the game, they are utter game destroyers and who ever developed them at Bethesda should be sacked for lack of understanding what games in its essence is all about.
Hard words, but true.