Just my take. Both positive and negative.

Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:40 pm

First off, a bit of background on me. Super huge fan of EVE Online (totally different from this).

I never played WoW.

Of the rollercoaster MMORPGs, I have played:

STO(Alpha, Beta, and First Month)

SWTOR(Alpha, Beta, First 9 months)

Defiance (Alpha, Beta, 2 months of play)

Yea, it ain't a big list but I do competitive FPS a lot (no Call of Duty)

Ok, onto ESO:

I only played as a Dragonknight Nord with 1h/1Shield combo. Time-constraints with little ones wanting to play Lego Marvel

I got to level 18. Started PvP at level 13. GO PACT!(Actually we got double-teamed a lot)

I ran into bugs, quite a few of them. However, this wasn't my first Beta rodeo so I know that will get ironed out.

We definitely stressed Cyrodiil Sunday. My beefy PC can handle anything so I know it wasn't that.


I loved that whole "battlefield" type warfare. I just didn't know how to go about it all the time. My character is a frontline-esque type player in a non-frontline-esque game. I run to battle only to get pushed and pulled ALL THE TIME. I dealt with it though because sometimes the wrong people would do that to me.

I especially loved the cloaky players that would gank me. Cool story you got the sneak on me, just come at me better when I'm up on my feet.

I love the whole siege aspect and the repairing and rebuilding. I love the whole strategy and also hoping you get into a group with a solid firm grasp of what the hell was going on.


The game has it, and I like it. However, you can't honestly have the experience I make myself in Skyrim. Yes, it's lore-tastic but its a shell of it's self and basically a theme-park version of the series we love so much.

It's still the healer, tank, DPS crap I hate about MMOs. It is what it is but that stuff stinks when you just want to be a warrior and kick butt but you can't because 4 warriors can't punk things in a dungeon...you need a healer, and someone who stand there and takes it. It's my fault tho, everytime I put in "DPS LFG whatever dungeon" and wait about an hour or so to get a response. I chose that. If I wanted to get in those more...definitely be a healer.

Final Thoughts:

That PvP system might have sold me. I give 2 craps if I die in that. I just jump back on that horse and back to war.

I can play the PVE content but I won't remember any of it unless the integral scenes are awesome like SWTOR had. I can run through PVE content like its nothing in a week or 2.

The Raid stuff is a chore, when it works its great but man, when it doesn't...it's hell on earth in a chat window. Still not as bad as EVE ONLINE in that respect, Incursions just svck the fun out of gaming.

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:19 pm

Interesting perspective!

I like your positioning on the PVE in the game.

I too was really sold on PVP in this game. I'm a big dynasty warriors fan, and if anyone has played that series, what TESO is trying to do with Cyrodiil is create Dynasty Warriors with a real player dynamic. I personally think they pulled it off and exceeded my expectations.

PS. There is a ground finder tool that allows you to find a group for a dungeon rather than trying to find one in the chat box!

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:44 pm

Ahh, forgot about that. Again, been awhile since I played a MMO and I forget these little things. Still though, doesn't always make life easy for a deeps tho.

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Post » Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:53 am

In all fairness it's not really highlighted very well in the UI!

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Post » Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:03 pm

Without this 'crap' I would not even play this game. The game you are looking for is Diablo or GW2.

No holy Trinity usually leads to dumbed down tactical aspect. GW2 played like you were 4 solo players hitting on the same boss rather than a party that is working together.

I'm all in for that. Even if it means to look for a party for 30 minutes. You can do other stuff in the meantime.
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