Maybe I'm misremembering but I feel like the map is a lot smaller than Skyrim or Oblivion or even Fallout 3. Like, I could run across the entire map in just a few minutes. Am I wrong?
Maybe I'm misremembering but I feel like the map is a lot smaller than Skyrim or Oblivion or even Fallout 3. Like, I could run across the entire map in just a few minutes. Am I wrong?
skyrim is different, i am not sure how big in comparison. but skyrim is much more spread out. normally one dungeon is far away from another dungeon. in F4 each building is right next to each other. from what i feel if u really visit everything they are pretty much the same.
Fallout 4 - Each raider base, super mutant pretty much are next to each other. probably i will encounter another group of enemy just 10 steps walk. In comparison with other games, this game have more vertical (building levels, roof, ground, bridge...etc) Exploration often involve stairs climbing
Fallout 3 - Everything sort of close to each other for main city but it is more underground tunnel exploration.
Skyrim - Big map with everything far away from each other.pretty much is like Fallout but put 10x walking distance between each dungeon
Oblivion - Kinda same as Skyrim except everything are automatic generated instead of handcraft one by one like Skyrim and Fallout 4
Yeah, the map is smaller, but so many places to explore, it takes more time to explore it all.
The map FEELS smaller on the surface. One corner to the other does seem smaller than previous titles. That said the amount of locations there are to explore means I actually spend much more time inside buildings or tunnels doing stuff. The world design in Fallout 4 is phenomenal. I could spend hours and hours just exploring Cambridge, or Lexington, let only Downtown Boston itself.
Personally I found Skyrim smaller then it seemed to be. It "looked" big, but "felt" small. Probably because of the mountain borders that can't be explored unless it's a cave/dungeon in the side (not counting indoor areas here).
In any event, 4 probably feels smaller in terms of the city itself. As for beyond that... It seems to me it feels more "pointless" to go beyond the city because it's mostly farms and randon places with the same old "Oh look, enemies/loot here" unless it's quest specific, which seems to be getting rarer for some reason. In addition to that, all the places are closer together, most likely to compensate for the glowing sea. So perhaps the civilized area is the same size as 3/skyrim but with the glowing sea added on, making the "whole" bigger, yet the civilized area the same.
Also, unlike in Skyrim and such, you don't have to go all around the mountain just because you can't go over like you can in this. As for 3, that had more linear paths. Especially when it came to that radio station. So 3 might "feel" smaller because it leads you down a certain path, giving the illusion that you're "coming across" that brotherhood/super mutant fight, which can actually be hard to avoid if you're trying while not leaving the city itself and not yet familiar with the place.
This is the first Bethesda game that I don't fast travel in. (Sure, Morrowind didn't have 'fast travel' but I silt stridered everywhere that I could).
The reason i do not fast travel is because it takes less time to run most places than it does for FT to load individual areas.
I don't know if it's smaller than Skyrim, but as mentioned, it's definitely denser. So far I've clocked 153 hours and I've only explored like maybe 1/3-ish of the map.
fallout 3 is 289 grid squares and fallout 4 is 729 grid squares, its not a small map, its double the playable area as skyrim, most of skyrims map was mountains and you were funneled in between the mountain ranges, here's a link to the overlay comparing the maps...,h_758,w_960/t_mp_quality/qaebc7dbzhob35pfw0jm/fallout-4-s-complete-map-leaks-early-and-it-seems-a-lot-smaller-than-expected-697723.jpg
people only say this because of the video of the guy running across the map, but you can run across all the maps fast, and he was sprinting which is very fast in fallout 4, you couldn't move that fast in fallout 3 or skyrim, fallout 4 sprinting speed is fast, even if you have to catch your breath every so often its fast moving, in fallout 3 you just kind slow jogged, the map is 2.5 times bigger area than fallout 3
The map feels about the size or bigger then fo3. It didn`t take long to run from one end to the other in fo3 either. I know there is ALOT more explorable areas in fo4 compared to any other elder scrolls or fo games. So many icons on my map I cant click on one without hitting another.
it should feel bigger than fallout 3 its 2.5 times the area and with 300 locations which is almost double and its jam packed, its dense, this idea that map is small is nonsense, its just cause that guy who ran across the map ,but running at fallout 4 sprinting speed you can get across a lot of maps fast
FO4 is not small, at least when comparing with other FO maps
There was a lot made of the map size just prior to launch after that video.
I don't see anything to complain about. It's quite big with lots to see and do. Not too much open barren space like there was with NV.
I think the DLC will open the map wider, otherwise why show us on screen the area outside the hatched border?
OP, is it just you?
But the objective data is clear.
FO4 is a good bit bigger than FO3 & NV.
Slightly smaller than Skyrim's footprint, but more dense.
If you're finding it small, you haven't explored enough.
Yeah Fo4 map is just a little bit more smaller that Skyrim, And bigger that Fallout 3 and NV.
U maybe feel it smaller bc there are alot to explore, but remember is the setting, we are close to a city zone so places are going to be close by, isnt like Skyrim where the setting allow to have more "forest" or what i like to call emptiness w/o compromising the setting.
Plus on Skyrim it feel bigger bc u normally need to make a huge circle to mvoe around bc that [censored] huge mountain in the middle how much i hate that mountain till i got my dragon mount.
I doubt we going to see map bigger that Skyrim from now on Todd said on a interview he think Skyrim size is a perfect size for a game.
I think it might be the run speed which is making the map feel smaller, it's way too fast for my tastes.
how large or small it feels depends on how closely you are exploring, don't run every where so fast. A lot of buildings have a crap ton of stuff hidden about them. I spent an hour in the fallon department store and parking garage next too it.