Funny isnt it. (Speaking to all the early fans.) All we wanted was to make a game better. SO we started the

:intergalactic: DESIGN YOUR OWN NPC's thread.
We told ourselves that Maybe the developers will look at the best one and put it in the game. LOL LOL LOL LOL.
So after all this time Im Back a lot older and wiser making fun of my old name Username. Looking upon the newcomers and seeing there smiles and fun.
Hell back in the day Our ideas where better than HALF THE Quests in Oblivion. And our NPC's could have rivaled The expansions they made. Hell some of those fan made ideas where so simple that it wouldnt take any time to put them in!
I mean just the words the characters spoke where so amazing that I couldnt honeslty sleep at night if i didnt put it in the game. (If I was them.)
And now a warning. You can right all you want. But there will not be a sequel to morrowind or Oblivion. There will just be a different game completely.
That sequel is never coming. (Morrowind got Oblivion after all.)
YOUR amazing ideas are never going to be in the game. NEVER!
But I want to say That Ive been there before and I wanted to congratulate all of you on every post you guys have ever made. Maybe the developers didnt read it. But I sure as hell do. And Ive ejoyed every Geek Convorsation and depate ive had.
I have nothing against Beth they are busy. They are a company. But Sometimes I too just want my ideas and dreams to come alive through there games. Hell maybe one day we will get lucky. Or maybe that way of thinking is just false hope. Just thought i would express myself HAHA!!