Yes yes yes I know, a thousand times over I know. Bethseda they will be adding nothing into Skyrim. However! This thread is still ideas for Skyrim and isn't really for the next TES. Sure it can be implemented. But these are my thoughts for Skyrim.
Command Undead Spell
We have a Turn Undead Spell, but what about us fellow Necromancers? Technically Draugr are dead. Technically I should be able to command them with a spell. Probably an Illusion spell. IDK, it didn't feel right for the Necromancer spells like Soul Trap or Raise Dead in the conjuration section.
Mysticism please? lol
What about Dispel?
Also, I think I said this before. But Wards don't really work very well. So how about a perk that works like the Stamina Perk in Restoration except you know for Magicka? So when you're healing you can get some magicka back?