Just my thoughts

Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:34 am

I just had a few ideas floating around my head while playing earlier, and thought I'd share them with you guys

- I think that when you increase strength, your character should get bigger, like at Strength 10 your dude should be almost as big and bulky as a super mutant. Like Ronnie Coleman!

- I think that every "heavy weapon" (the ones with back packs) should have mods that allow you to connect your gun's ammo to the backpack's reserve, so you can fire non stop. In essence, rather than 240 clip ECP with the Gatling Laser, you'd have your entire reserve as one clip, same with the minigun and grenade machine gun. I hope that makes sense

- I think the higher your endurance, the more cut/defined your character should be. So you could be this massive tank of a man, say Endurance 1, you would be very burly like a Big Daddy from Bioshock, but if you had S10 and E10 you would be more like... Uh Ronnie Coleman I suppose (cant think of a person bigger and still as muscular as he)

- I also would appreciate some sliders to our characters creation, sliders for body proportions, height, weight, more in depth facial features, more hair styles etc. A good max for Height would be like 6ft 6in, I would say 7ft but I think that would garner a lot of negative feedback from traditionalists. As for weight, I think 500-550 should be the maximum.

- I think this next one would be very limited but we should get to some more personalization options with everything, namely weapons. On top of "mods" we should be able to engrave it with our name, a saying or name the weapon. Should also be able to give it floral/ivy designs and the like, change it's color, nothing drastic like hot pink, just shade it a different tone, or give it a special finish. Paint stuff on various locations on the weapon. I know so far this stuff seems ridiculous, but I wasn't suggesting ideas for an update or dlc, but the next Fallout

- I think they should always add more perks with every dlc and especially each new game, but some should be replaced with better, more practical ones, for example, a perk (call it whatever you like) that allows for more hip-fire accuracy, because I don't like to use VATS and this would make weapons you don't aim very often (big guns, GL and Minigun etc) more accurate. Something else related to this would be a perk or second rank that made the shooter receive less recoil, whether from the hip or ADS.

- If the producers are going to limit the perks to every other level, they should be more worthwhile. I'd like to cite Quick Draw. It is cool, kind of buggy, but it would nice if it did more than one thing, or had another rank that made aiming down the sights faster, I know ADS is already pretty fast and simple, but it would compensate for the iffy-ness of it

- I think we should be able to dual wield, I do mean guns, but I really mean a gun and knife, or some combo of the like

- This, of all things in the wall of text above, is not a bid deal but the devil is in the details, so when I see a perk like Heavyweight or Unstoppable Force I wanted to be a visual change, or behavioral change in NPCs around me, remember in Oblivion if you had a really good attribute or skill set they'd notice and compliment you on it? I'm not saying I need the computer to say something nice about my virtual character to get through the day, but its more realistic.

- Something else that bugged me, is that if the system is going to be a perk every other level up (even numbers basically) then perks with multiple ranks should be able to be taken in between. So for example, you turn level 8, and take Toughness, at level 9 it doesn't seem unreasonable to allow the player to take the second rank, why make them for level 10? Its not really a second perk you are getting, more like an addition to it or minor improvement. I don't know, maybe not, but I thought I would drop that in here as food for thought.

I would try to come up with more but my head hurts, plus I don't want people to be discouraged from reading because it is such a long post, so feel free to post your ideas too! I would sincerely love to hear them.
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:34 am

Some more of my ideas, just thought I would add it as another post, because I don't want people to complain about the long "wall o' text" So anyways:

- I always hated that when I put on Power Armor, there is that stupid little cut out for the dumb pip-boy, it looks so tacky. I think when you equip Power Armor, the pip-boy should be added to your inventory and the suit has its own "pip-boy" like the wrist computer the Predators/Yautja have!

- Speaking of Power Armor, I think it should be more realistically weighted, If a full set of daedric armor in Elder Scrolls weighs around 130+ pounds I think POWER ARMOR would be in the same ball park, now to compensate they could do these two things;

1, make each point of Strength add more than 10pts to your maximum load, perhaps 50? Even then your default strength should be about 250-300, and with Strength 10 you could carry 500-550lbs of stuff like in Oblivion, a perfectly respectable and conceivable max weight to bear for someone so mighty.

2, add a perk that makes Power Armor weightless while being actively worn, call it something like "Power Armor Mastery"

- Power Armor should be more than armor. I mean its not very practical the way the producers have it. It should have night vision and then some. It should make ponderous noises when you walk, not the sound of spurs on cowboys boots spinning. You should be harder to damage with explosions and heat based weapons, and depending on the armor's material, energy weapons too. The fists on the suit should "act" as power fists in my humble opinion. Think of Iron Man, and how heavy and powerful he was while wearing the mark III, he didn't need a "Power Fist" his suit's fists were already. Obviously, it should be able to so much more but for balance reasons I'll leave it at that. I would have wet dreams for the days to come if they allowed Power Armor to have a permanent "Stealth Boy" feature albeit with much less duration and slightly less effective.

- It surprises me that there isn't a sprint ability already implemented in the game, so they should add that, not even in the next game, like soon

- It would be very convenient if you could throw grenades without having to equip them first

- I think that if you are shooting someone/thing running at you, it should slow their progress/speed significantly but not to a full and complete stop as seen in Gears of War 2, that [censored] was [censored].

- Kids should be mortal

- It would be cool if there was a unique and amazing ability/perk unlocked at 100 _____ (fill in the blank), so say you have 100 Repair, you can now build (given that you have the right tools) turrets, if you have 100 Explosives you just blow safes, containers, doors to Kingdom Come etc.

- It would add a nice touch if you could have house hold pets like a bird, fish or something along those lines, just to make your safehouse more lively

- Karma levels should have more impact on... Everything, especially dialogue. It should basically be Paragon/Renegade in Mass Effect, except its Good/Bad Karma, and as I said having one or the other should result in more in depth and badass or humorous speech options and cutscenes. You should also be able to intervene during certain situations, either in a good way or bad way, like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PjTuSQNLI4
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Post » Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:57 pm

When do you exactly SEE your character to be worried about him/her being "cut"? I play in first person mode and only see what's in front of me. IJS.

Cool idea about unlocking stuff at 100 skill levels, That'd be great.
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:05 am

There's some really good ideas up there, you've put a load of effort into thinking all this through. I really like some of your ideas, especially about gun personalisation and such.

I think perhaps though, being able to alter your charecters actual physical appearance so drastically would take a hell of alot of work. I mean, it was hard enough for the makers to design a game that doesent glitch and freeze all the time without all that extra detail that would be needed to alter a charecter every time it changes.

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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:24 am

There's some really good ideas up there, you've put a load of effort into thinking all this through. I really like some of your ideas, especially about gun personalisation and such.

I think perhaps though, being able to alter your charecters actual physical appearance so drastically would take a hell of alot of work. I mean, it was hard enough for the makers to design a game that doesent glitch and freeze all the time without all that extra detail that would be needed to alter a charecter every time it changes.


Yeah I concur but if they do add it, I'd be happy, but till then I'll keep wishing

And thank you for reading my ideas and posting! :)
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:16 am

When do you exactly SEE your character to be worried about him/her being "cut"? I play in first person mode and only see what's in front of me. IJS.

Cool idea about unlocking stuff at 100 skill levels, That'd be great.

Yeah I think it would be nice if we got unique abilities every 25pts in a skill as in Oblivion but that would probably make us already strong Couriers beyond unstoppable. Regardless, getting a 100 of something should merit a reward is all.
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:26 am

Every time I think of ways I could make Fallout better and the player more of a badass I come back to this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipYkuCZ2IYI
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:58 am

Yeah I think it would be nice if we got unique abilities every 25pts in a skill as in Oblivion but that would probably make us already strong Couriers beyond unstoppable. Regardless, getting a 100 of something should merit a reward is all.

Not SO much in NV but by the time I was at the end of F3 I was pretty much unstopable. NV I'm pretty tough, but for sure you need to get rewards for getting to 100.
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:15 am

Not SO much in NV but by the time I was at the end of F3 I was pretty much unstopable. NV I'm pretty tough, but for sure you need to get rewards for getting to 100.

I like that idea very much. Shoot, this idea almost deserves it's own thread.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:21 pm

I think they all should have something special waiting at 100, I can only think of few though, for example

Explosives 100 - the ability to use explosives to open stuff, nuff said

Repair/Science 100 - Able to build turrets/sentries

Unarmed 100 - Able to disarm melee opponents or something else martial art-ish

Melee 100 - Able to hit more than one opponent in a giant arc swing, and the chance to send them flying

Sneak 100 - You have the ability to snap necks, slit throats, and carry/dispose of bodies of unsuspecting enemies

Medicine 100 - You can perform surgery one your self, allowing you to clear any rad level and, with the right tools, give your self implants!

I know I missed a few, but feel free to come up with your own ideas for Level 100 Skills.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:00 am

I was going to say that there should be strike teams that come after you if you are hated enough by a faction, but one of the loading screens suggest this already. However, I have yet to see any crimson death dealer squads come after me in 3 playthroughs
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:34 am

There's some really good ideas up there, you've put a load of effort into thinking all this through. I really like some of your ideas, especially about gun personalisation and such.

I think perhaps though, being able to alter your charecters actual physical appearance so drastically would take a hell of alot of work. I mean, it was hard enough for the makers to design a game that doesent glitch and freeze all the time without all that extra detail that would be needed to alter a charecter every time it changes.


See what you don't know is that it wouldn't be too hard for minor changes such as height or better face options. I mean even TES4 had the option to change the hair the way you like it, even the lengh. Addding scars or other facail options can easily be add just like facial hair. Height would be quite easy to do mainly because nearly everything has been height scaled different. if a pc gamer increase the size of a child to a advlt, they would found out they would look normal apart from the head.
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:10 am

See what you don't know is that it wouldn't be too hard for minor changes such as height or better face options. I mean even TES4 had the option to change the hair the way you like it, even the lengh. Addding scars or other facail options can easily be add just like facial hair. Height would be quite easy to do mainly because nearly everything has been height scaled different. if a pc gamer increase the size of a child to a advlt, they would found out they would look normal apart from the head.

Nice name, and thanks for posting, I agree that most of the physical changes would be doable but I am failing to comprehend why it would be so hard to render the Protagonist bigger as his strength goes up. I mean aren't games getting better? Seems like something that is a result of laziness rather than infeasible
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:29 am

One of the most important things for me anyway to see in the next game is height and weight customization. I think it would be interesting/fun to be running around as a noticeably very fat guy/girl. Could add some dialogue pieces with some characters too.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:17 am

I just had a few ideas floating around my head while playing earlier, and thought I'd share them with you guys

- I think that when you increase strength, your character should get bigger, like at Strength 10 your dude should be almost as big and bulky as a super mutant. Like Ronnie Coleman!

Play Fable.

- I think that every "heavy weapon" (the ones with back packs) should have mods that allow you to connect your gun's ammo to the backpack's reserve, so you can fire non stop. In essence, rather than 240 clip ECP with the Gatling Laser, you'd have your entire reserve as one clip, same with the minigun and grenade machine gun. I hope that makes sense

I'm sure there is some science that goes completely against that idea. Thus making it impossible.

- I think the higher your endurance, the more cut/defined your character should be. So you could be this massive tank of a man, say Endurance 1, you would be very burly like a Big Daddy from Bioshock, but if you had S10 and E10 you would be more like... Uh Ronnie Coleman I suppose (cant think of a person bigger and still as muscular as he)


- I also would appreciate some sliders to our characters creation, sliders for body proportions, height, weight, more in depth facial features, more hair styles etc. A good max for Height would be like 6ft 6in, I would say 7ft but I think that would garner a lot of negative feedback from traditionalists. As for weight, I think 500-550 should be the maximum.

I do agree with this. The nature of these new Fallout games make it so fat/skinny/tall/short(Aside from kids) extinct, in a sense.

- I think this next one would be very limited but we should get to some more personalization options with everything, namely weapons. On top of "mods" we should be able to engrave it with our name, a saying or name the weapon. Should also be able to give it floral/ivy designs and the like, change it's color, nothing drastic like hot pink, just shade it a different tone, or give it a special finish. Paint stuff on various locations on the weapon. I know so far this stuff seems ridiculous, but I wasn't suggesting ideas for an update or dlc, but the next Fallout

Too much CoD bro. It would be nice to have but I'm not leaning towards it. Although it was cool finding the Gobi Campaign Rifle.

- I think they should always add more perks with every dlc and especially each new game, but some should be replaced with better, more practical ones, for example, a perk (call it whatever you like) that allows for more hip-fire accuracy, because I don't like to use VATS and this would make weapons you don't aim very often (big guns, GL and Minigun etc) more accurate. Something else related to this would be a perk or second rank that made the shooter receive less recoil, whether from the hip or ADS.

Have you seen all the perks NV already has? On top of only being able to select like 15 of them per character? Few more with Dead Money.

- If the producers are going to limit the perks to every other level, they should be more worthwhile. I'd like to cite Quick Draw. It is cool, kind of buggy, but it would nice if it did more than one thing, or had another rank that made aiming down the sights faster, I know ADS is already pretty fast and simple, but it would compensate for the iffy-ness of it

They only did this to stop the game from becoming Fallout 3, in sense that you had an overpowered character. The fact you can get perks at all is lucky enough sense in real life some of the perks would take lifetimes to learn/master.

- I think we should be able to dual wield, I do mean guns, but I really mean a gun and knife, or some combo of the like

Ehh. Dual wielding is extremely hard (CoD makes it look amazing zzz). So I think not.

- This, of all things in the wall of text above, is not a bid deal but the devil is in the details, so when I see a perk like Heavyweight or Unstoppable Force I wanted to be a visual change, or behavioral change in NPCs around me, remember in Oblivion if you had a really good attribute or skill set they'd notice and compliment you on it? I'm not saying I need the computer to say something nice about my virtual character to get through the day, but its more realistic.


- Something else that bugged me, is that if the system is going to be a perk every other level up (even numbers basically) then perks with multiple ranks should be able to be taken in between. So for example, you turn level 8, and take Toughness, at level 9 it doesn't seem unreasonable to allow the player to take the second rank, why make them for level 10? Its not really a second perk you are getting, more like an addition to it or minor improvement. I don't know, maybe not, but I thought I would drop that in here as food for thought.

Overpowering leads to boredom.

I would try to come up with more but my head hurts, plus I don't want people to be discouraged from reading because it is such a long post, so feel free to post your ideas too! I would sincerely love to hear them.

As for my ideas...

1. Simple: Limit to what you can carry.
Extended: You should be only allowed to carry items in ratio to your character's Strength. Being able to carry six miniguns doesn't sit well with me. Fallout doesn't handle this aspect too well. Either you can carry too much pounds or the things in the game weigh to little.

2. Simple:You should be able to remove mods but at the cost of your gun's durability.
Extended: You need various tools to remove a mod based on how it was put on. Screws... screwdriver ect... But it lowers the durability of the gun. Lets say it had a max of 15, removing a mod brought it down to 12 as its max.

3. Simple: Buildings destructible.
Extended: It would be cool if while using a heavy gun or C-4, that if you placed it buy a building or fired it, it would chip of or blow away part of the building. Naturally this would only work for heavy guns such as artillery, fat man, missile launcher, C-4. Once fired the building would become unaccessible, like most buildings in Fallout. Not saying this at all would be friendly or practical in the Fallout universe, just saying it would be cool, zzz.

That is all for now.
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:15 am

Uh, I don't care much for fable, I think those games are pretty gay, then again I have been wrong about games I was skeptic against before (Red Dead Revolver a while back)

1. I don't like your tone

2. I hate when jakkasses assume everything is traced back to call of duty. You know even if I did get my ideas from CoD, you'd have to know as much about it as me if you are going to call me out on it. The Idea of customizing my gun is a grand idea and very original. So just because Call of Duty did it first does not mean they invented the concept of doing that.

3. Just because New Vegas has a lot of perks does not mean they are good. Thats a fallacy! Most of them got tremendously de-powered or are half-assed ideas

4. Dual wielding is hard, you are right about something at last. Of course, you automatically assume everything about my ideas are sprouted from CoD but you are sorely mistaken. I got that idea from Skyrim. If you took the time to read it carefully you would see that I thought it would be a great idea to dual wield 2 different weapons, such as a pistol and knife, that wouldn't be so hard.

5. I don't see how the last thing regarding toughness would lead to being "overpowered", but we forget there are many ways to compensate for that.

6. Your ideas are cool, I wouldn't want them implemented because you seem to want Fallout to be a post-apocalyptic simulator, its a game dude, let it be that!

Thats all
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:30 am

One of the most important things for me anyway to see in the next game is height and weight customization. I think it would be interesting/fun to be running around as a noticeably very fat guy/girl. Could add some dialogue pieces with some characters too.

Me too, I'm not sure I would want a morbidly obese character, but it would be funny to have someone rather heavyset
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:22 am

6. Your ideas are cool, I wouldn't want them implemented because you seem to want Fallout to be a post-apocalyptic simulator, its a game dude, let it be that!

Ya see, i had been calmly reading , i like some of your points, but i really dislike the "its a game" argument, this game franchise is special to a lot of people here, many have been fans for a decade, so, here, Fallout is more than a game series, it is like another world to some people here, including me, please show respect.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:39 am

Ya see, i had been calmly reading , i like some of your points, but i really dislike the "its a game" argument, this game franchise is special to a lot of people here, many have been fans for a decade, so, here, Fallout is more than a game series, it is like another world to some people here, including me, please show respect.

Games that are too realistic aren't games anymore, and to me they aren't fun, I think most people would agree, but I guess I forgot who I surrounded my self with when I joined
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:21 am

I'm not against what you said, i can see what you were saying, listen, i wasnt arguing your point, i was telling you that the "its a game" argument doesn't get you anywhere, for future reference, i am not angry at ya man.
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:53 am

I'm not against what you said, i can see what you were saying, listen, i wasnt arguing your point, i was telling you that the "its a game" argument doesn't get you anywhere, for future reference, i am not angry at ya man.

Oh oh right, gotcha ;)

Thanks for posting! Got any ideas you want to share?
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:20 am

Nothing that isn't Talon Company related :teehee:
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:44 am

Nothing that isn't Talon Company related :teehee:

I wanna hear it, feel free, go on
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meg knight
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:50 am

Just look http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1178163-fallout-4-speculations-suggestions-and-ideas/ My suggestion is about half-way down, that thread is for suggestions for Fallout 4.
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Post » Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:20 am

Just look http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1178163-fallout-4-speculations-suggestions-and-ideas/ My suggestion is about half-way down, that thread is for suggestions for Fallout 4.

Very cool, see that wasn't so bas was it?
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