Alright I know how to decorate my house, I put a lot of time into it, and I already know how to keep stuff put without them flying about the next time I come back. but there's been a re-occurring problem ever since I started living in any home.
I live in just the basic Small Lakeview Manor (no additions), and like all others, it comes with a bunch of default decorations clutter, such as bowls Lanterns, Jugs, all of that crap.
What I do when I decorate is remove all that stuff to have room for things I actually would like to see in my house. The problem is, Every 30 days or so, ALL of that Default clutter respawns, knocking all the things I decorated off (even though the details suggest Lakeview Manor NEVER resets, it seems the Items do)
I tried a few things, like the principle if I left One default item left, the rest wouldn't reset (The same way with Follower's clothing, leave one thing, the rest won't come back). I recently found this didn't work either.
So to turn this rant into a question, Is there any way to prevent the Default clutter of a home from resetting? Does it reset it's position if the Default clutter is moved to a different spot in the same cell?
Also I'm on XBOX, so Mods or Console commands aren't much of a solution
Any help is appreciated.