Just WAY to many mods.

Post » Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:19 pm

I have too many mods, there really isn't any other way to put it. I don't know which are good/bad/useless, etc. I was hoping that by posting my modlist here someone could help me out with figuring out which mods are obsolete, because I really don't know. Overall I just want to narrow my modlist down because I feel that having (currently) about 300 is just WAY to much...

Any help is HIGHLY appreciated, thanks a ton!

Modlist: Each picture has the category listed on the left :)


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Post » Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:06 am

Havent looked at your list yet, bu here are some general ideas:
Start to sort your mods by content. Graphic mods, gameplay, quests, placebles/more trees bushes etc mods, npc and enemy addition mods to name a few.
Then see if you can find some that might conflict (mod a adds a tree where mod b adds a bush or a new house for an npc. Or one is a general city overhaul and another improves a specific city) Check mod descriptions to see if others experienced incompatibilities. Drop the ones you like the least.
Go by date. Anything older than 12 month, check their comments section to see if they are still considered stable.
This should probably get your list a bit shorter and is a good start at thinning out the worst offenders.

Also. If you see that one mod category is very big on your setup, check the nexus if there is a newer mod that covers what Ou seek all in one. Instead of 50 armor mods you dont use consider one or two of the bigger collections.
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Post » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:15 am

"Bowlegged jump animation fix".

I had never noticed how [censored] skyrim's default char jump looked until I saw that in the pic. And then I started laughing.

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