That is your field of view being increased. Enable console and type in "ui_fov 70" (without quotes)
Console can be enabled by going into your game's properties through steam library and putting "+com_allowconsole 1" (without quotes) in your launch options. If the FoV resets when you restart your game, you'll have to edit the game's cfg or make an autoexec.cfg that makes the change. The folder for that is located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\bunch of random numbers\22350\local\base
Still dont understand can u say where i should click?
Launch options?
In your steam library right click the brink icon and go to properties; a window should pop up and there should be an option called "set launch options" near the bottom. Put +com_allowconsole 1 in the launch options and hit ok. When you start the game hit "~" on your keyboard and enter ui_fov 70 into the console.
70 is the default and lowest possible setting, but you can mess around with it in-game to get it where you want it. I don't know if the change is permanent as I haven't fully tested it through the console (I use an autoexec.cfg)