For once I agree with you Treng.
For once I agree with you Treng.
One can only wonder what the Falmer's role in the next Elder Scrolls title will be. Bethesda's writing can be very.... predictable.. We shall see.
There is actually a show-game hybrid of the name defiance too...
Too bad the current shape of Skyrim's forces are a joke compared with the past so putting the lives of all it's inhabitants at risk because of underestimation is not really a bright idea.
It's fine. Don't worry, I don't know much about this game's lore either, though I know enough about the Falmer to make this thread.
People always say it's a joke, but how many cities are lost? Not even Winterhold and it was destroyed by supernatural events.
They both are cool. Bethesda should take a lesson from Trion when it comes to making games.
Why would that matter? Skyrim really hasn't been in much conflict in it's own territory up until the Civil War.
For the same reason that Cyrodiil is in conflict. The mighty, grand Empire has lost Cheydinhal to bandits and Bravil to Skooma lords.
They went back a stage in evolution. They can always come back, and in-game evidence shows they are remarkably intelligent.
Also, can you imagine the "imbalance" if they had black souls? Easy Grand souls for every Dovahkiin!
I always did have hundreds of grand and black soul gems. Gotta fill em some how!
But yes, soul color/size doesn't really apply to the Falmers' intelligence at this point.
Still we've seen how we lost Markarth so easily from just trying to aid the Empire. Had it not been for Ulfrics thuum, Igmund and his friends would probably still be outside looking up at the gates and scratching their heads. Skyrim needs to up it's security badly.
Now I'm not saying that they're always going to be white-souled brainless monsters, but that's not how evolution works.
There is no "evolving backwards" there's adapting to your surroundings as best befitting the situation and geography. What worked best for Falmer was being brainless monsters. Instinct over thought.
It's my personal opinion that they've evolved past the biological need for higher thinking. They get food and stay alive by working off of their brain stem's basic instinctual patterns.
There was literally no one left behind to defend it.
As an after thought, their brainlessness could've been evolution's way of coping with their constant grief.
In the beginning, yeah. but they aren't brainless currently. They're still primal, but they are sentient.
Mighty bold to talk about evolution in regards a fantasy world with magic and physical gods.
I didn't think of that one. Also, your point about evolving is also very true. It may seem like de-evolving, but it is really in truth evolving to adapt to their subterranean life.
True, but it does make sense to think of it that way.
They can evolve back to the way they were.
It's improbable as far as real life standards go, but probable given that this is a fantasy story. I doubt that it'll happen within the timespan of the next three games, though.