Depends on the length between the game's settings. And it's nice to believe in some happy ending, in the event they never talk about it again.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Thalmor had something planned with their deformed relatives all this time.
You never know with all the crazy twists writers like me can come up with these days. Plus there's always the possibility of a huge fast forward through the centuries in the next games.
Pfft. Why can a few hunchback,mindless, blind little goblins possibly accomplish?
I'm mostly going off of the time spans they've been doing between the last three games. A huge time skip could happen, sure.
They can abduct farmers and traders as they travel past caves.
They certainly make better combatants than you useless guards
Look at page two. You'll see what they can do.
I like to think there might be a few pure Falmer living in Summerset Isle. They as a race are particularly untouched compared to other "fallen" Mer, and their ideologies are nearly identical.
You know since there were sources that said that some Ayleids fled to Valenwood after the Alessian revolt, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are still alive to this day and the Thalmor are prepping them to bring the Cyrodillic people under their heel again.
*Crazy conspiracy theory*
Thalmor are actually backed by ancient, nobility Ayliedic families seeking to take back their tower.
And those families are commanded by a tiger...
Trust me. I got inside information.
I am https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/2012-03-31_00007.jpg I served in the Imperial Legion. I fought in the Battle of Red Ring under the command of General Jonna. Under the Imperial Banner, we stopped the Thalmor's retreat and we put them to the sword. Their leader? We hung him from the Imperial Tower. Mede signed a peace treaty with the Thalmor to spare our men. I stayed in Cyrodiil to aid in the reconstruction of what the Thalmor destroyed. When I finally returned home, I was met with Imperial shackles and sat with my country men on the way to the chopping block.
I was betrayed.
Before the Empire could seal my fate, a beast the likes of which I'd only seen in my nightmares attacked. Men bled and men died, but I survived. I escaped Helgen and Imperial bounty hunters hounded my steps all the way to High Hrothgar. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/2012-10-01_00004.jpg
Along my journey, I've met https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/art/ulfric_stormcloak_sketch_by_aihito-d4pldlb.jpg. I've https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/2013-02-20_00011.jpg Forsworn daedra worshipers. I've slain https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/2013-05-10_00017.jpg and slew https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/tulliusisabtch.jpg and when Ulfric died, I was named https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/72850_screenshots_2012-12-11_00001.jpg.
Now I am gearing my land to teach the https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/72850_screenshots_2013-04-28_00001.jpg why they should've stayed in Summer-- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/439516/Skyrim/falmer.jpg
Oh come on. It was the same type of thing you did. Unless your just joking, I think you are being ridiculous.
And this is relevant to this discussion...
Yes, your character clearly fits the bill of a savage. I could smell the odor from my monitor.
My thing was relevant to the discussion.
I pretty openly talked about how I was going to commit genocide on Summerset.
If that was your gripe then your response should have read:
Anyways, I've already given my thoughts on the topic, and I'm not going to derail this anymore discussing this with you Hev.