» Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:56 am
As much as I liked SI (or rather, SI's portrayal of Sheogorath and his realm), I can't help but feel that we were cheated out of a huge chunk of the storyline: Jyg's history.
The MQ is pretty much centered around Jyg's invasion and eventual return, and yet we learn almost nothing about him. A few bits and pieces from Dyus, yes, and the whole speil Jyg himself gave us....but what do we know about him really?
We know these two things for sure:
1. Jyg and Sheogorath are one and the same, or at least have been since the creation of Nirn.
2. At the end of every era Jyg gains control of Sheo and his realm, lays waste to it, and then reverts back to Sheo once Jyg is finished.
Those are really the only facts we got from the SI Main Quest. Yes, Jyg claims he was cursed by the other Daedra, and he claims that this was because he was "more powerful" than they were....but that's the only side of the story we get, and who's to say it's completely true? I'm sure you could come up with many reasons Jyg would lie about it, or at least omit certain details from the whole story to make himself seem like the "good guy" in the whole ordeal.
My point is, for SI focusing so much on Jyg's return we find out surprisingly little about Jyg himself, and I think that's a huge disappointment....in both storytelling and in player satisfaction.