I want Kansas DLC to look exactly like this http://getwallpapers.pw/wallpapers/l/1920x1080/26/post_apocalyptic_radioactive_artwork_apocalyptic_s_t_a_l_k_e_r_birds_1920x1080_25684.jpg
Bethesda.with wizard of oz music by three dog judy garland music ethal waters jeepers creepers in new York too. The Lois Armstrong version
on the moon henry hall music in new York with a grey fallout 3 atmosphere f3 weapons too. Also imagine if we go back to the capital wasteland as the soul servivor To experience the aftermath of it what happened after fallout 3 who's still alive or dead now. Is zimmer & harkeens still there?. For nyc three dog
should be there but you play as the lone wanderer instead as a S.P.E.C.I.A.L DLC treat to pay omash to fallout 3 & as a Epilogue DLC. Then you see moira brown in a coffee shop under Galixy News Network by threeeeee dog OOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW bow wow