I think bethesda should better focus on their original product and made a better TES 6: Argonia!!!
Seriously, i "appreciate" they improve some factors of this game, but they remove all the RPG. Is more like an hack and slash with game mechanics from many games like Borderlands, Far Cry, Wolfenstein, Skyrim and Mass Effect for the romance and the dialogue wheel.
I think they try to mix everything they considers good, but they implement in a bad way. Minimalize all the original mechanics, maybe to "safe money" and time. In a sort of way, they did a good job, a nice atmosphere. But they lost the point of what is a Fallout game, and making more like a sort of Skyrim in a post nuclear apocalipse with guns.
They are good with fantasy, but they should let the brand Fallout in the hands of the real one which worked on it.
Why? Fallout is not their real world. They are much more for The Elder Scroll, and give us amazing adventures in the lands of Tamriell. Just please don't ruin even TES:6