I'd like to be neutral, but Fallout 3 always ruins it with the binary choice of good and mustache twirling evil so I always end up being a saint.
New Vegas is better in that but because I steal a lot, I end up being evil.
I'd like to be neutral, but Fallout 3 always ruins it with the binary choice of good and mustache twirling evil so I always end up being a saint.
New Vegas is better in that but because I steal a lot, I end up being evil.
Neutral. Preferably a mod will get released quickly that entirely neutralizes karma.
Seeing so many goody two shoes types on this forum makes me sick.
I'll probably hover around good. I'll help people who need help and who are not sickos, but I have no problems stealing from thieves and murderers. It's the wasteland after all, and I have to survive, also at the expense of others. I try to justify my decisions and only do things that make sense. Basically act like a decent human being, but with a serious will to survive in a hostile world =)
I'd imagine the Enclave and Legion imagine my Fallout 3 and New Vegas characters as "monsters". They went all across the land completely wiping out that entire group in single combat. Clearing out entire military bases and camps with a trusty rifle. The Legion talks about the legend of the Burned Man, but I think they would have been replaced by legends of "The Mailman", who brings death and destruction in his wake. A legendary figure that is completely unstoppable, and will not rest until every single thing flying the crimson and bull is destroyed and the corpses piled high.
I mean I guess it depends on how you view vigilantes. The game certainly said my Courier was a saint, but then you could literally kill a single ghoul on the road out of Primm and max out your good karma. If Fallout 4 has a big bad faction that deserves a vigilante genocide, then I am sure my sole survivor will also be something akin to a second apocalypse for whatever group he decides should no longer walk this earth. The bodycount will be in the thousands, but then this is the wasteland: Where justice starts and ends with a gun.
Generally neutral with psychotic tendencies. Its a dog eat dog world out there after all.
Technically, killing slavers and freeing the slaves tend to give you good karma anyways... So doing that will make you more of a Saint.
Anyways, I tend to play a good character myself.
Living slavers, I should have clarified.
Depends on the storyline, but I intend to be neutral. I will not be siding with synths in a battle for their "freedom", so that will likely make me "evil", and I wouldn't shy away from enslaving humans either if it serves a purpose to me. I'll be ruthless in clearing out the area around my settlement and taking anything not nailed down. A harsh environment sometimes requires harsh actions be taken.
I'll probably play as good, though I do slightly object to the implication that the appellation of a "saint" is indicative of great moral character, especially considering people such as Saint Ambrose who said that "Jews are the most worthless of all men..." and Saint Lucifer whom is literally synonymous with Satan and general evil
As LostPonny said, it'll depend on the story.
If it's the same old story of "poor little slave androids" I'll probably watch them burn for their plight being so incredibly banol.If you can't entertain or at least engage me you may as well cease to life, literally or otherwise.
I object to your objection.