My personal line of thought (YMMV) for the speshal crossbow idea that everyone seemed to come up with independently is that the bolts Keening shoots shouldn't in any way compromise the blade, from a logical and lore standpoint ("eh, well, I heard you hate poking things, so I broke Keening up for you. If it doesn't work, we're all screwed, but at least you'll be comfortable.") Infinitely restocking bolts, while awesome, aren't strictly balanced, but I think that the crossbow should generate them somehow by flaying the ether or whatever, because pre-creating special bolts doesn't work without breaking Keening. A few balanced solutions:
- My favorite solution, I don't know how it'd be scripted, though: imbuing Keening with a soul from a gem (preferably a 400-point one, it's not like there won't be any Ascended Sleepers around) gives it enough metaphysical juice to shoot off 5 or 10 bolts of slicing energy. I guess 10 would work best unless you can charge it up more beforehand.
- Do a check for the Heart Chamber and make it create bolts while it's in there. Not sure exactly why it would do that (unless it draws power from the Heart?)
- Make it so if you equip certain bolts, Keening "charges" them (in which case you could use the pretty Keening bolt model). A bit more complex, as it would presumably involve checking for the bolts to be equipped, deleting them, replacing them with "charged" bolts, and checking if those are unequipped so it can revert them back.
Also, random thought, but shouldn't Yagrum need to borrow Wraithguard to work on Keening, or is he reeallly careful?
Edit: That amulet is sixy. I guess you don't need to have Wraithguard on the specific hand you're using the Tools with, seeing as the jury-rigged one works. Also, the only thing left at this point is a hand-to-hand Keening