Thanks, Praedator!
That's a good idea. I tend to be one that likes to take a "tour" of a mod's content before officially playing it and adding the mod's quest to my character's history.
Yesh. I'm pretty much the same. I'm trying to make Keening very user-friendly. I've added a companion to the beginning that you can bring along with you in case you're a low level. In a cave that I just completed, there is a 25th level creature at the end, but there is also a potion of invisibility hidden behind some wood. Little things like that, to allow characters of all levels to use their "smarts" to get through the quests. Slip past the creature invisibly, grab the levitation potion, and then head back to another room where you notice an opening in the ceiling....
On another topic: I'm learning quickly, but I'm still new to modding as of December 2011, so I need a little help with a few things. I *just* fingured out AI path grids, but was disappointed that they don't cross my town square, which crosses from one cell to another. So, I'm going to ask for a little help and see if anyone would like to help out with Keening:
1 - scripting. I'm trying to figure out how to make characters/ items appear or disappear after a certain journal entry. That's something that's going to apply to a number of plot points. Several awesome people have offered my scripts for this, but they haven't worked.
[EDIT: This was solved by ab0t and other helpful people here]
2 - I have a dwemer texture replacer that I need to turn into a modder's resource for an alternate tileset so that I can use it for certain new dwemer locations without affecting the regular dwemer locations. I can do it myself, but if someone would like to help out, we can also release the tileset as a modder's resource.... or, perhaps there is a faster way to convert it?
[EDIT: Lucevar has volunteers to do this. Thanks!!!]
3 - I've been trying to contact Korana for permissions but I haven't been able to find her. I'm trying to get permissions to merge Clothiers of Vvardenfell into Keening to cut down on dependent mods. I have permission from the two other creators of that mod, but no response from Korana. I understand that she has changed her user account name. In respect to board rules of not discussing other users, if anyone knows how to contact her, please private message me.
4 - Also, when trying to modify the sound effects of creatures under AI/Animations, it doesn't seem to be possible to edit that. I have some modified rats that I want to stop from squeaking constantly.
[EDIT: 4 - Kagz from Great House Fliggerty attacked this problem and gave me a solution. We now know that duplicating the rat .nif files and renaming them, and then adding them to the creatures opens up option to use soundgen to assign new sound files, where previously the rat sounds were irrevocably tied to the rat mesh.]
5 - As a request to the modding community: If you're familiar with the "Kriin" creature, you probably know that there's a glitch in its animation where it flickers at the end of each animation cycle. I'd like to include this creature (taken from the Creatures X mod), but not if its animations are broken. I don't know how to fix it, but if someone wants to take a stab at it, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, I'll just remove it, but they're so cute! <3
[EDIT: 5 - Kriin creature animation has been repaired by ab0t - thanks!]
The City is pretty much finished.... I'm just fine tuning details and then working on interiors of quests and caves and such. I have to re-texture a few items as well.