Thanks, I'm reading over that. I've created a new sound file through Gameplay/ Sound Gen and attached it to the "moan" tag for the creature in Gameplay/ Sounds. If I create a new creature, the Animation button on the creature's card is greyed-out, and if I edit, say, a rat, it still lists the moan sound effect as "rat moan." A bit overwhelmed and overtired, I was looking over the pdf linked in the link to the Fliggerty topic and it looks like you can only edit that in whatever software is used to animate the creature. Am I reading that correctly? If so, my miniature rats will just have to squeak like big ones for now.
Sorry, turns out it is more borked than I thought. I wonder if it depends on trying to use meshes used as base for other creatures (e.g. Rust rat-nif is base for diseased/blighted rats and it does not seem to take e.g. ancestor ghost soun gen, while packrat.nif works...
Anyway, a generally working solution: just copy the creature mesh/animations you are using and rename it something unused (e.g. add a _small suffix)
If you have the CS disk, you should have all standard .nifs there.
If not, you need to extract them from Morrowind.bsa using (BSA Browser.exe does not seem to work anymore for me).
Just extract all BSABrowser files somewhere, copy Morrowind.bsa to the same folder, create a text file with this content:
bsapack unpack Morrowind.bsa
, call it unpack.bat and double click it
Rust rat.nif
XRust rat.nif
XRust rat.kf
Morrowind\Data Files\Meshes\[somewhere]\Rust rat_small.nif
Morrowind\Data Files\Meshes\[somewhere]\XRust rat_small.nif
Morrowind\Data Files\Meshes\[somewhere]\XRust rat_small.kf
and try to use Rust rat_small.nif as animation instead of Rust rat.nif, it should be possible to assign to it a new soundgen group.
Complicated, but you know the beast already...