My friend, insulting the possilbe lack of logic in my brain was a little much. <_<
*cracks knuckles*
I'll start with Perks. The fact that they are being called perks should be no cause for worry. What was a birth sign, at its core? I feel that it was a perk that you took at the beginning of a game. It gave you a slight bonus in a specific field that could be a bonus to your chosen class. So, in my oppinion, they just changed the name. They could vary well just call the first perks you choos birth signs, and they could very well be the same thing. As for perks you gain as you level up, there is still no reason to fret. Each perk you choose could give you a boost in your chosen field, but be careful. You only get perks for the first 50 levels, so after that your done. That means you have to plan your path carfully. If you want to be a true master of the blade, you may need to give up some perks that would help you gain money, or help people think better of you easier.
Less skills? Giving up before we even know what is where is not considered being blind and not even giving it a chance? Sure, you could worry a little about that there are less of them, but it seems unfair to give up almost completely on the dev before we know exactly what is where.
Fighting dragons? Dragons have played a big part of lore for TES, even though we have seen few if any. Now they are coming, and we need to fight them. Compairing dragon fights seems unfair to compair them to Oblivion gates. Gates to Oblivion lead to a different plain that was filled with monsters that tried to kill us, untill we took a stone at the top of a tower that magically transported us back to Tamriel. Dragons will probably fly high above us, breath fire down on us, straif us, try and eat us, and they are smart. They have reasons for what they do. That seems different than many dragons we see in the multi-media that are just beasts that try to kill people.
Giving up faith before you've even seen much of anything is a bit harsh, and unfair to the devs. They've worked hard to not fall into a rut of the same thing after the same thing, this time more shiney. They're working hard, give them some credit where credit is due. Skyrim could be so much, and give up almost completely is...well, as you say close minded. And you say your not, so give these features a chance before you give up on them.
Thats mean what i fear. I don t mind perks at game start, really.
But perks you take at each lvl ? Those arent perks those are a skill tree.
Now WHY i call this kind of [censored] lazy work, and why they arent RPG feature.
First of all you MUST take wage that RPG come from pen and paper, and thats where i come, and thats where i will ever stand.
Now does that mean THAT nothing can be bring up to date... HELL NO!!!
So what does it mean:
It means simple that a character is created with attributes, that can be brought by luck only or luck and tempered by choice, or choice only.
What attributes are? They are your fisrt set of choices to create what you want the way you want.
And they are fundamental as they will, with class choice (or creation) fundamentally affect the rest of your digital or parper incarnation as they will directly affect skills. Attributes are usually minimally movables or even static, or they can evolve to a potential or decrease due to several factor.
Then comes skills the second layer. Skills are your second set of choices, they are totally at your will , they will evolve with you by use , by lvl, or both, the way you want. But each choice came as a trade off.
Each skill affect one aspect of what you can do. Thats the tricky part for the game. Skills decide if you can or not climb that wall if you cannot understand parcially understand or totally understand that foreigner language, if you are able to notice that detail or how good you are to detect a lie, a hidden loot on a body, a secrep passage or see that enemy stalking you.
The problem with skills is the fact that you have to set the game so the SKILLS are USEFULL AND NEANINGFULL, and more, that when possible they can be combined. (Jump and climb for example)
Then come the third layer called perks, they usually are choosen at character creation, they can give you advantages, hamper you or be a trade off. They can affect skills, attributes, both or not. And then you usually only get another in X lvlx.
SO, now you should be able to see Perks give much less work for developpers but also make the game much "dumbed down" then much less interesting because it reduce tremendously the possibilities.
And when you combined what is being made:
Attribute automation (WOW, BIABLO3, MMOs)
Less skill and less skill importance (Less uniqueness and less gameplay features)
Perk acting as ALL MMO and wanna be RPG, hell EVEN STARCRAFT II HAS SKILL TREE. Is that a RPG or an action game we will get.
Damn scrap atributes and scrap skill and we got HEXXEN, a Medieval FPS!!!!
Again my friend you moss the point on the dragon on many layers;
What where Oblivion gates :
A sign of invasion that you had to fight but in the end of the day you could not enter one of then and end the game, and you would quiclkly understand:
1) fighting them was useless
2) fighting them became boring
3) fighting them was meaningless because the world wouldn t end anyway.
And what dragon (or inser any monster name like zombies or giant spiders, or venomous toads for what matters) will be:
1) The sign of an impending invasion or doom
2) Fighting them will be useless because most probably game won t have a countdown that if you dont do the main quest in X time or before X quantity of events happen the game will declare you a looser. (especially because this is a sandbox and i don t think dev would put up with that, killing another part of TES soul, other part of TES soul being TES developped as a truly RPG and not any other kind of game)
3)As it is useless to fight them you ll end up ignoring them, or they become boring justly because killing the dragon will have no meaning but LVL up, BTW you can LVL up killing zombies.
4)So they are not the main point as Oblivion gates werent the main point. Oblivion game could have been the main point if the developpers had put a little more effort in thinkering the plot and possibilities.
I may be Harsh and unfair to the dev, i agree, but who started throwing monkey dung at they re constumers. Its more than fair that i have become unfaithfull with what i have been given to me so far in the last 5 years.
And sorry what have been ′resented is far from stellar.
Bit it may still get better.