Keep Fallout out of TES Please

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:21 am

I believe in taking the best from both.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:54 am

There are things Fallout 3 did better than Oblivion and Morrowind, and when that is the case, and when i feel it could be well implented into TES, i don't have a problem with it.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:35 pm

Fallout 3/NV did quite a few things better than OB. That doesn't mean they should take everything from the last two FO games but they should be looking at some features and say "hey that's cool, now lets improve it and integrate it in a way that makes sense".

Their philosophy is to start from scratch with each TES game and IMO that's what keeps in fresh.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:34 am

...what is the point of this? Its already decided.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:46 pm

I am a fan of both the elder scrolls and fallout, and I have to say that the should definately keep the two franchises distinctly different and sebichte from each other. Some shared freatures, such as perks and the leveling system are fine.
I also believe that they could potentially find ways to work in the occasional reference from one series to the other in an intelligent fashion so as not to break immersion or lore of the series.
For the most part though, the two need to stay separate from each other. To that end, if I find a picture of the Vault Boy while I'm dungeon diving or something like that, I'm gonna be pissed.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:29 am

I agree, I do think they made a step in the right direction with perks. I'm an old fashion D&D player so I'm very well aware of how "feats" or "perks' go a long way to making a character unique. My fear is I have heard way too many people (on particularly create a perk forum) blasting for Fallout perks. Also for them to be "funny" and have "cartoon pictures." That kind of talk makes me depressed

Oh yeah that makes sense. I don't think there needs to be a Scroll Boy mascot or something like that. :vaultboy:
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:45 pm

...what is the point of this? Its already decided.

nothing is set in stone until the game is released. Even when press release is given and they tell the public what will be in it, that only makes it set in clay instead of water, it makes it more permanent but not permanent.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:17 am

If you watch the behind the scenes video, Todd Howard shows you a big theatre where the entire BGS team gathers to watch/play new games that come out. This is specifically to see what new ideas work and which ones don't.

They take inspiration from everywhere, and that's how it should be. They won't throw things into Skyrim that they don't believe will make the game better.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:48 am

the only thing I really think wouldn't work, is one of the most popular threads in this forum: the [censored] hardcoe mode.
seriously, I know this would make it a lot more realistic, but keep it for simulations and realistic games, not [censored] fantasy games
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:15 am

Diehard fans scared of changes that only add to gameplay and rpg. (like 10 choosable perks per skill, as opposed 4 mostly useless passive perks)

I'm glad Todd isn't scared to do new things. I laugh at people just expecting Oblivion with a new engine, as does Todd.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 pm

I voted for all of the options to be annoying. Muahahahahahahahahaha.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:07 am

I am not sure what is so bad about including things from other games. Just because people want features from other games does not mean TES will stop being TES. Just because I want to use the encumberance system of Fallout, or make the people in Skyrim look more like the people in Fallout and not like the people in Oblivion DOES NOT mean the game will become 'Fantasy Fallout' or whatever title you would call it. As long as 1: the story remains true to the lore, 2: as long as a particular feature makes sense in the game (Ex. No guns or radiation should be in Skyrim-that's just stupid), AND very important to me, 3: the world remains completely open and explorable, Skyrim will remain Skyrim.

I become so annoyed when people say a game cannot have a particular feature because, that's too Fable, or in this case, it's too Fallout. Now, if someone didn't like a feature in another game, I can understand. But, a feature was popular, why not use these ideas?

On a Side Note: I really loved the Perks in Fallout, and cannot wait to see how the perk system works in Skyrim, or what kind of perks we can expect.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:47 am

Not even going to vote with such biased poll options. False dilemma written all over them.

Perks were in Oblivion, liked the idea. I like the idea that I can choose perks myself in Skyrim.

The perks are pretty much needed if you want to specialize as they have scrapped a lot of the skills again.
35 skills in Daggerfall.
27 in Morrowind (-8 less than in Daggerfall)
21 in Oblivion (-6 less than in Morrowind)
18 in Skyrim (-3 from Oblivion, total 17 skills lost during Daggerfall -> Skyrim, almost half of the skills!)

To specialize in One handed long blades you need to skill up the one handed skill and pick perks that make you better with long blades. Special moves, more damage etc.

Perks don't make a game Fallout.

You do relize about a dozen of those Daggerfall Skill are a joke right, check them if you don't believe me. MW had the most, OB had less but added limited amount of perks now SR has less but more perks and you can choose them, even better than OB or MW I think.

Oh and I agree the poll is biased, and I 3rd the idea that the thread is silly. One of the devs already stated "there making a TES game not a Fallout game, what works for one might now be good for the another." It was on Twitter.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:38 pm

You do relize about a dozen of those Daggerfall Skill are a joke right, check them if you don't believe me. MW had the most, OB had less but added limited amount of perks now SR has less but more perks and you can choose them, even better than OB or MW I think.

Removing speak Spriggan, obvious sign of dumbing down, apparently.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:23 am

No feature should be left out if it's good. just because it's in fallout, morrowind or oblivion shouldn't matter at all, aslong as it's good. This is the same problem when people go"you just want it cuz it was in MOrrowind" no I wan't it cuz it's a damn good feature. It's the same with some of the stuff from fallout, I don't care if it was in fallout, if it's an improvement, I'm happy.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:59 am

Hmmm I wouldn't mind if the Perks bit were called TRAITS.......they changed Fatigue to Stamina, keeping fingers crossed they'll do the same with Perks
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emma sweeney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:04 pm

Removing speak Spriggan, obvious sign of dumbing down, apparently.

I myself will not play Skyrim unless there is a mod for speak Spriggan, I can't play without it. It just awesome! Really adds to the immersion.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:03 am

When FO3 came out people said "it's oblivion with guns". Now (based on what little info we have) people are saying "Skyrim is FO3 with swords". Sheesh.

Every game that Beth creates is a learning experience. They figure out what works well and what doesn't from each of these launches. The mechanics of FO3 were a natural progression from OB and Skyrim will be a natural progression from FO3.

When you think of how Beth operates---as a company that design games--it's pretty silly to suggest that Beth should ignore what they've learned from past launches. It's like saying that Apple should "keep iPod out of the iPad because they are different". You learn from experience and incorporate that experience into your next endeavors. Period.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:13 am

When you think of how Beth operates---as a company that design games--it's pretty silly to suggest that Beth should ignore what they've learned from past launches. It's like saying that Apple should "keep iPod out of the iPad because they are different". You learn from experience and incorporate that experience into your next endeavors. Period.

Nice post, couldn't have said it better :tops:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:50 am

No feature should be left out if it's good...

If you take this line to it's logical conclusion you'd have a game with everything everyone thinks is good. An amazing game you say....well just think about that and come up with your on conclusion.

Hmmm I wouldn't mind if the Perks bit were called TRAITS.......they changed Fatigue to Stamina, keeping fingers crossed they'll do the same with Perks

I agree calling them "Traits" or even "Feats" would make it much more tolerable.

When FO3 came out people said "it's oblivion with guns". Now (based on what little info we have) people are saying "Skyrim is FO3 with swords". Sheesh.

I don't know of anyone calling TESV fallout with swords. I for one though FO3 was a lot like oblivion with guns and radiation, but I had no attachment to fallout, however I do (as do many) have attachments to TES series so after playing fallout and everyone who likes the game want TESV to include perks like "bloody mess" or to move when you're over-encumbered (which takes away from the fantasy realism that TES is known for) than you are giving the "flavor" of fallout mild though it may be. That flavor is what I'm opposed to, while I don't mind good ideas transferring over I want to at the least hide the "flavor" very well so it doesn't interfere with the taste of TESV.

Every game that Beth creates is a learning experience. They figure out what works well and what doesn't from each of these launches. The mechanics of FO3 were a natural progression from OB and Skyrim will be a natural progression from FO3.

I agree, I think they produced FO3 and NV to test out ideas that they had so that they could make TESV all that it can be I like that a lot and am very glad they did. That's why I am in no ways opposed to a leveling system being similar to fallout though hope radiant story plays a part in leveling.

When you think of how Beth operates---as a company that design games--it's pretty silly to suggest that Beth should ignore what they've learned from past launches. It's like saying that Apple should "keep iPod out of the iPad because they are different". You learn from experience and incorporate that experience into your next endeavors. Period.

Once again no one is saying to not learn from past experiences, a poor straw man argument.
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Elle H
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:40 am

So wait. A different name for perks such as traits, dispite the fact that they would be the exact same thing as perks, would make traits better?
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:58 pm

I dont see why people dont want some fallout elements in Skyrim, they are like cousins in games and a lot of things in Fallout are applicable in ES
for instance maps that have been added
when a person dies and drops their weapon it is also in their invintory
the different textures for apparel and addons
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:47 am

If you take this line to it's logical conclusion you'd have a game with everything everyone thinks is good. An amazing game you say....well just think about that and come up with your on conclusion.

That's a total missrepresentation of what I said. I didn't say what everybody tihnk is good should be in. I'm saying if a thing IS good, it shouldn't be left out just because it happens to be in another game. Yea peoples opinions differ, but that's another subject.
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:36 am

I dont see why people dont want some fallout elements in Skyrim, they are like cousins in games and a lot of things in Fallout are applicable in ES
for instance maps that have been added
when a person dies and drops their weapon it is also in their invintory
the different textures for apparel and addons

Yes they are like cousins....we don't want to see what happens when cousins have a baby.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:38 pm

Well Fallout was polluted by being Oblivionized so I find it to be fair trade to Falloutize Skyrim a little. :shifty:

Seriously though, if there are improvements from Fallout that makes Skyrim a better RPGame then I have no problem with it being transferred.
If it's something that does not make sense for an ES game on the other hand then I don't see why it should be brought in from another franchise.
But for example, reputation system, works pretty well.
With enough groups for it to make sense I don't see any reason to keep it out.
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