You're not mistaken that's also the soul of the game. Fortunately that doesn't look like it'll change, only get better

Well, at least you aren't a complete lemming.
In all honesty, the constilations of perks look almost skill tree like, except more options. One master of the blade will be different than another. Perks may be there, but they'll be used differently, more class like. I'm sure it'll be fine.
That also get's rid of jack of all trades. If you want the really cool sword perks, you'll have to choose a lot of the sword perks as you go on, meaning you may need to sacrivice other perks you may want. I cant want to see how perks are used. Just because the name is the same, doesn't warrent the wide spread panic that people are suffering from. I'm sure everything will be fine. And besides. When I'm walking around, I could care less what my sword perks are. I just wanna take in the sights, save some dame in distress, and slay some dragons. When it comes to it, I'm sure no one will complain ... to much anyway.