I keep getting wrecked on legendary or master

Post » Sun May 26, 2013 7:33 am

Hey guys. I keep getting wrecked on Legendary or even Master mode. I have a Brenton (for magic resist) that I have been playing as an assassin. I am level 12 with like 55 archery and 53 sneak and a one handed of 26 and being an assassin is hell. I used Faendel to quick train up to 50 as quick as I could and this put my level way high even though all my skills are still generally low. The main problem is at lower levels I don't have enough sneak or one handed to really do any damage. I finally got 15x dagger damage and sometimes I still can't kill something in one shot. If they live or if I need to fight more than one thing, I usually die. I know once I can get my skills up to get the better traits in any one tree my life will get a lot easier... my main problem is getting there in the first place.

I just found out that having a follower is a HUGE help because they don't get scaled back in damage dealt or recieved. I also found out that conjured pets don't scale back either.

Do you guys have any more tips for me until I can get my levels up high enough to start getting the talents that matter and start being able to enchant get some decent gear? Maybe some easy to get gear that helps a lot?

Do I really need to start the game and just craft and use Alchemy and Smithing and Enchanting to get the best gear ASAP? I wouldn't totally mind doing this but I don't want to get involved in any glitches. I have patch 1.9 (obviously) and the unofficial patches so I'm pretty sure I can't get involved in the restoration glitch anyway.

Need advice for getting my feet on the ground! I shouldn't need to reload so much.


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Rodney C
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 3:03 pm

This aint much advice, but if you have to post this you dont seem to be having fun, which is the point of a game. Again i may be wrong but eh

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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 3:35 pm

Indeed. I fail to understand the reasoning behind the NEED for playing high difficulties. Who are you showing off too?

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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 4:36 am

The game just isn't fun for me when I attempt to play on any difficulty higher than expert. I know there are those who like the challenge, but the trouble of re-loading every two minutes because I get slaughtered, outweighs any fun there would be in trying to play the game on high levels of difficulty. There are ways (some may call exploits) to make the game easier on master or legendary, but that defeats the whole purpose in my opinion.

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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 11:52 am

I wouldn't play any higher than Adept for the first 15-20 levels then start increasing the difficulty as your character becomes OP. I'm another one of those who doesn't believe you have to be a masochist to enjoy the game. (Joke). Seriously I up the difficulty in boss battles sometimes but usually play no higher than adept until the fights become too easy.

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