Keep re-rolling new characters 3 hours in and its ruining th

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:42 pm

Ive had the same problem as you. I get far in the game and i will reroll. I also hear voices, but i am diagnosed as a Schizophrenic. Games are a way for me to relax through my stressful days. Sometimes we have to say "NO I WILL NOT REROLL, MY CHARACTER NEEDS ME"...

  • Name your character as your real name, because this way you can feel your the character it self and not some pixel because you cant reroll REAL-LIFE
  • Dont get discouraged
  • Take your time dont rush or powerlevel your skills, take the time to see the beauty in the game, landscapes etc

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Danny Blight
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:37 pm

Never mind
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Matt Bee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:16 pm

You shouldn't have done that.

If you knew a little more about psychology, you'd know you just don't "diagnose" people over the internet, not even your real life friends. It freaks people out.

Thanks I think you are right. I just got really excited and wanted to share what I felt could be.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:23 am

You shouldn't have done that.

If you knew a little more about psychology, you'd know you just don't "diagnose" people over the internet, not even your real life friends. It freaks people out.

Hasn't freaked me out, it was enlightening.
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:29 pm

You shouldn't have done that.

If you knew a little more about psychology, you'd know you just don't "diagnose" people over the internet, not even your real life friends. It freaks people out.

Hasn't freaked me out, it was enlightening.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:44 am

Its happening again! It happened on Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas... Restartitis disease.

...When i play Bethesda/Obsidian games, my mind is working overtime and whenever i see something and realize my character isn't that something or could do that something better if i just started again... I then for the next 15mins have this conversation in my head that my character is obsolete and not as fun as if i made another character. I have had the game since release and played 4-5 hours a day and have only done in total about 8 quests and have had over 20 new characters! I just climbed the 7000 steps for the first time and wanted to start again; I have had to turn my PS3 of before i go crazy and do it again.

Its ruining the game doing the same things over and over again. The voice in my head literally won't stop saying "Make a new character, go on it will be better and more fun" Anyone else do/doing this? I can't be alone? ... I love this game and i can't play it.

Below are some further details, you won't need to read if you have experienced this and understand it

I've done the exact same thing! I haven't played the game in a few days as I've had other obligations, but I think before I hop back on I'm going to sit and really plot out what I want my "first" character to be like. I haven't leveled anyone past level 10. :confused: You aren't alone!
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:57 pm

I am on PC and I experience Crash to Desktop issues but I am on my second character a Hunter who is joining up with stormcloaks. My previous char was a battle mage who killed the entire Mage college.My hunter is going to stick though.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:17 am

I'm bad about this. It wasn't a problem with Morrowind or Oblivion; I think that's because you can choose more skills for your character (I realize that you can theoretically use any number of skills in Skyrim, but you're gimping yourself if you don't spread yourself too thin). I've created seven characters so far; each time, I tell myself that this is the one I'm going to play the entire game with. A few hours later, I realize I've spent one perk on a skill that I don't really use, and reroll.

I'm about to roll my eighth character. This is gonna be the one I'll play the entire game with...
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:30 pm

jesus christ, and I thought I had problems.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:11 am

I'm the same as the OP, i've have 4 or 5 characters now, two of which were funny enough both 19 hours in & i kept getting that voice in my head. If i'm a Thief or Warrior type & i see a spell book or start batlting with Necros, i start thinking, Hmmmm mage sare cool. And vice versa if i'm a Mage seeing Thief style characters or Warriors, lol, Yelp!! :ahhh: i just restarted again today, after 2 hours trying to decide what to play & tinkering with the character creation, i am 30 minutes into a new game with the mindset of playing a Thief, but can i stay the course ? :bolt:
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:21 pm

Pretend you are playing real-life.
You are who, and what, you are...

Just build up on skills you like and don't look back - just play and enjoy.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:53 pm

I'm about to roll my eighth character. This is gonna be the one I'll play the entire game with...

Just started my 5th or 6th, and i am with you! this will be the one! :whistling:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:11 pm

Just play the game and don't worry so much about that, because after all, you can always have a new character. Instead of trying to start off with your "ultimate" idea for what your character is, try something different. I'm finding that I'm playing Skyrim differently than I did Morrowind and Oblivion, emphasizing bows and magic more than a sword and shield.

And save before you take a perk, so that you can try it out and just reload to before you chose it if it doesn't seem like one you'd enjoy utilizing for your character. Besides that, you don't even have to take perks right away, you can just let them stack up until you have enough to level a given skill to the upper tiers straight off, especially if you're undecided about which path to take.

If you're going to keep being OCD about having that "perfect" character, though, then you might want to just put this game down, because you will prevent yourself from ever enjoying it and keep making it a frustrating experience for yourself. Let it go and just enjoy the adventure, and you might find that you naturally become the character you'd want to be, based on how you're playing it. It's much better than it was in Oblivion.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:43 am

Just play the game and don't worry so much about that, because after all, you can always have a new character. Instead of trying to start off with your "ultimate" idea for what your character is, try something different. I'm finding that I'm playing Skyrim differently than I did Morrowind and Oblivion, emphasizing bows and magic more than a sword and shield.

And save before you take a perk, so that you can try it out and just reload to before you chose it if it doesn't seem like one you'd enjoy utilizing for your character. Besides that, you don't even have to take perks right away, you can just let them stack up until you have enough to level a given skill to the upper tiers straight off, especially if you're undecided about which path to take.

If you're going to keep being OCD about having that "perfect" character, though, then you might want to just put this game down, because you will prevent yourself from ever enjoying it and keep making it a frustrating experience for yourself. Let it go and just enjoy the adventure, and you might find that you naturally become the character you'd want to be, based on how you're playing it. It's much better than it was in Oblivion.

It isn't about creating a perfect character. It's playing as a Nord Warrior then seeing a Breton Mage and thinking that's cool then starting again to be a Breton Mage. Then as my Breton Mage seeing a Nord Warrior then starting again, again, again.
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:42 pm

Thanks I think you are right. I just got really excited and wanted to share what I felt could be.

Hmmm my post was kinda offending. Didn't mean it like that :P
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:34 pm

I got to around level 20 on a spellsword/thief/archer dark elf, finished main quest, did some other things, and then decided I wanted to make a dual-wielding heavy armor Nord, so I restarted. As I was around level 8 on my Nord I was thinking that he kind of svcked, as in not sneaking and trying to tank hits was not as good as I hoped. But eventually I got over that hump and I'm enjoying my new character.

My advice: eventually you should come to like your character. The beginning of the game is easy and seems to suit just about any playstyle. As you get further it will get harder and it will seem like your chosen playstyle is not good for something, but just keep at it. There is no one best build in terms of having fun (maybe in terms of maximum DPS, but that doesn't necessarily translate into fun), and you probably will want to beat the game with more than one build. I would suggest that you just keep playing one build, and when you finally make another character, don't look to do something "better" but enjoy that you are doing something "different."
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:00 pm

Patience is a skill, build it up. This is the truth, live it.
Experimentation for the first few levels helps too.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:55 am

I started 4 different characters before I found the one I really like.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:20 am

Don't know if it's been added but you can do the oghma infinium glitch to get maxed skills, it helped with me sorta but now I can't drop all this stuff.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:24 am

I create several characters for different rp activities in TES games.

I have an Imperial who is doing MQ and civil war on Imp side.

I have a Nord to do Civil war and stormcloaks on Nord side.

I have an assassin who has done the Dark Brotherhood quest and I will use to freeplay when I feel like stealth dungeon crawling slashy escapades.

I have a thief for the thieves guild and general freeplay burglary escapades for a change of pace.

I will create a hunter at some point created soleley for animal hunting for again a change of gamestyle.

So create a character for every eventuality. The only problem is the terrible save files. Was a problem all through TES. I would prefer a seperate save file per character.
There is a workaround but that involves copying save files and storing thenm for use as needed in seperate files on your pute, but I find that tedious.

Some people prefer one character who tries to do all, but I prefer a rp approach.

I may at some point create a spellsword or other character months from now, who can say. But this is how I have always approached TES games. (Never played pure mage, maybe in Skyrim I may do at some point, some mad wiz who has a grudge who knows?) I played Oblivion for years, and morrowind long before that. I freeplay and use mods once I have done the guild classlines on characters, and usualy have mods that create suitable homes for each of them over and above the stock housing, plus the better modded storage and companions etc, but will do vanilla for a while till I mod.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:37 am

My problem isn't this extreme.....

I have played the same character since release and finally just started a new one, so I could fix my skills and not waste points on useless ones.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:02 am

Hmm deleted coz I was speculating and people might take it too literally

Thanks for the interesting link Pochai. Something to explore. Cheers :foodndrink:
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:59 am

This happened to me in Dragon Age: Origins but I got 2 play-throughs before the disease got me for good. Basically just role-play as a bard class from DnD, the jack-of-all-trades if this problem persists.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:41 pm

This happened to me in Dragon Age: Origins but I got 2 play-throughs before the disease got me for good. Basically just role-play as a bard class from DnD, the jack-of-all-trades if this problem persists.

I'm so OCD I restarted Dragon Age two hours in just to change the hairstyle of my character.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:53 pm

Keep playing your characters instead of abandoning them. They need love just like the new ones.
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