» Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:00 pm
BarnsleyMatt94 - I had the same problem of choosing a character, so I said what the heck I'm gonna browse forum a bit. And immediately ran into this thread.
I know how you feel, I need sometimes two hours just to find a name.
I watched the video someone posted about Choices and it made me focus and decide.
My first choice before that was Imperial, but more Chinese style than Roman I see ingame. I was about to crush the rebellion and started to slaugthering filthy rebels but.. didn't like the playstyle. Not the race, but playstyle that goes with it. Heavy Armor, two handed hammer.. it's cool for 10 minutes and then it gets really hard on Masters (I refuse to play on lower difficulties) and kinda boring. I was never much of a pure melee character. Knights, Paladins, not my thing. Being Imperial Assassin was also an interesting idea - finding citizens loyal to Stormcloaks (after talking to them) and killing them. I must say that killing that annoying Talos preacher in Whiterun was one of the most satisfying things in the game. I didn't even plan to kill him; I heard his sermon and said: "This man must die." Still, something was missing so I abandoned this character. I think the game setting and game mechanics werent quite fit for what I had in mind, my idea could not translate into this game properly. The imperial assassin in my mind was something like the ones in Curse of a Golden Flower.
Fast forward few more characters and restarts. I also discovered that cool console command which enables me to change race, looks and name. Makes making initial choices more relaxing and enjoyable.
Finally, after watching that video, I decided on - Argonian!
Very satisfied with the current choice. Wiki says Argonians are the least human.. which is how I like it. Dragonborn? I hate "you're the chosen one" storylines, but if there is someone with dragon blood or whatever else in Skyrim it must be one of these lizards. After all, pterosauros means "winged lizard". Argonians look great with no clothes on, or clothes on including hood. Playstyle I chose looking at what I like, looking at what is unorthodox and beyond the "I have more damaging axe so I win". I chose Conjuration but only Necromancy line (no bound weapons, no atronachs). Then chose Illusion (allows for asymetric warfare) - and this was fitting as my favorite Guild Wars character was a mesmer. The rest will probably go into Archery, Stealth, perhaps even one handed. Animation when you kill someone with 1h weapon is great. Archery and stealth is fun and immersive, and so far I've found olive-green orc arrows look great on lizards. I'm focusing on cold-blooded style of warfare, fitting lizards, and guerrilla style, fitting Argonians.
Having all this in mind, choosing the name for my Argonian was much easier. While I'm not claiming it's the final name, it's a working name I'm satisfied with:
Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they learn why they fear the night.
The story behind my Argonian currently goes something like this: He has been sent undercover to Skyrim to evaluate the situation. To scout and research and investigate - in order to decide whether to support Skyrim independence and use the opportunity to go for full Argonian independence as well - or - to support Imperial army and crush the rebellion. So far, from the dialogues I had ingame, and from my limited knowledge of the game lore, I am heavily leaning towards Imperials but didn't join them yet. Will visit eastern side of Skyrim (which seems to be pro-Stormcloak) and then decide. Briefly looking at the lore I got impression that although Imperials incorporated Black Marsh into the Empire, it still has a high level of independence, and Imperials didn't terrorize the region. While in Skyrim I don't feel welcome as Argonian at all. The only people who welcome me warmly are Khajiit ("Hello my Argonian friend.").