Its happening again! It happened on Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas
...When i play Bethesda/Obsidian games, my mind is working overtime and whenever i see something and realize my character isn't that something or could do that something better if i just started again... I then for the next 15mins have this conversation in my head that my character is obsolete and not as fun as if i made another character. I have had the game since realize and played 4-5 hours a day and have only done in total about 8 quests and have had over 15 new characters! I just climbed the 1000 steps for the first time and wanted to start again; I have had to turn my PS3 before i go crazy.
Its ruining the game doing the same things over and over again. The voice in my head literally won't stop saying make a new character, go on it will be better and more fun. Anyone else do/doing this? I can't be alone? ... I love this game and i can't play it.
Actually, I tend to have the same exact problem in most RPGs, and Morrowind, Oblivion, and Mass Effect have all been examples of where I've tended to do the same thing. Even in non-RPGs I'll tend to get about a dozen hours in and then think of how I'd have liked the narrative of the game created by my playing the game to have been slightly different. (Even Red Dead Redemption, for example - where I started over after 10 hours because I wanted to have taken my time a bit more in some of the starting areas, etc.)
For me, it's really very little to do with "Oh no! I have the wrong stats!" so much as I'll suddenly have a different concept for the character I want to play. Also, I thank the stars for having the PC version of Skyrim so that I can just use the "showracemenu" command if I decide that I want my character's nose to be half an inch lower on his face, etc (this is what drove me insane with Mass Effect, for example.)
Also, there's something to be said for that initial feeling of starting a new game knowing nothing, when everything is fresh and new - and trying to reclaim that feeling by going back again.
This time out, I'm determined to just push through. I've created a Khajit thief, who also likes to dabble in a number of things - and I'm still trying to work out my close-combat strategies (sword and shielf, or leave the off-hand free for spells; do I try some conjuring magic, or just go with two swords at a time?) for when my primary weapon, the bow and arrow, doesn't kill something at a distance. I think it really just comes down to a matter of willpower.
I've said it with many games before - but this time out, I'm setting myself as a goal that I'm going to see this character through to the end, no matter what reservations I may have.